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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? I have Mawile in my B team. But I haven't found Mawilite yet. (Don't tell me, I'm Mega hunting and want it to feel rewarding)
  2. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    I'm Elijah. I've put "I am Bulbamew" as my little message thing. On this subject... What is your 3DS name?
  3. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    I think I've visited like seven different Safaris with Charmeleon. I imagined they would be rare but apparently not. My brother friended someone with Braixen in theirs (he picked Chespin and I picked Froakie). Braixen looks badass, I don't exactly like Delphox's design though. Adding more...
  4. Bulbamew

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? Is that possibly because Mega Mawile has the highest Attack of all Pokémon, because of Huge Power?
  5. Bulbamew

    Pokemon X/Y

    Okay then, has anyone else seen the weird creepy girl in Lumiose City yet, in the North Boulevard building with three storeys?
  6. Bulbamew

    Pokemon X/Y

    I wouldn't mind Pokérus. My internet is shocking though :unsure: Are there any specific Pokémon you're after? I don't have that many
  7. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    I also befriended a passerby with a Dragon safari with Dragonair, Sliggoo and Fraxure. I am in love
  8. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Okay then, I have found out through my brother that the third Pokémon in my Friend Safari is Drifblim, which is badass
  9. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    I didn't notice that button. Thanks :) I went to bed last night at around that time anyway lol
  10. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    You're type Normal. I've seen Kecleon and Teddiursa in there :)
  11. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Thank you Hiikaru! I will go online now! :)
  12. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Does anyone here know what my Friend Safari type is and what is inside it?
  13. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Okay, I have got all the latest FCs (the ones who posted since my last post, when I called it a night) added. Let's keep them posting :)
  14. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Thanks :) That means mine will have three. I don't even know my type yet :sunglasses:
  15. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Basically, once you beat the game, you can go to that island city (EDIT - it's called Kiloude City and it's not an island, it's just away from mainland Kalos). If you add friends, even if they don't have the game, just as long as they have a 3DS, they each get their own safari you can enter...
  16. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    You also have... drum roll... CHARMELEON. I have a new favourite person. Could you tell me mine, please, if possible? EDIT - I go to my mum's tomorrow so I can tell me little brother. I don't think he is that far into the game yet, and if he is he might need me to explain the Friend Safari to...
  17. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

  18. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    Squirtle for the win, you say? Froakie does not approve... Anyway, I have added you :)
  19. Bulbamew

    3DS Friend Codes

    I know my little brother is a Normal type, with Minccino and Aipom. His third is a mystery. I hope it's Ditto. I don't know my type yet, since I'm at my dads, and me & my brother have different dads, so I haven't seen him for a week, but I can tomorrow, and pester him since he hasn't beaten the...
  20. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    I have Flygon. It's one of my all-time favourite Pokémon. I just love it. I know Garchomp is a lot stronger, but I've always loved Flygon more. Also, I found out yesterday about Zygarde being a 600 base stat legendary, which shocked me to say the least. Also, if Bulbapedia is to be believed...
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