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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    Acronym Game

    CloudCat did not post an acronym so I will - QWERTYUIOP
  2. Bulbamew

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Yeah, it is essentially a Grass Forretress, just that Forretress has less focus into Attack and is more of a defensive tank than Ferro. They are both ridiculously slow though so a fast Fire Pokemon with good Attack stats and Flamethrower/FB will probably be too strong, Forretress has Sturdy...
  3. Bulbamew

    Acronym Game

    Ooh hoo, this should be good. Let's see... King Fred of Manchester Was Dead Serious on Getting Laid OOLOO EDIT -- Whoops, someone already did it. But I have left an acronym unlike them so this will remain
  4. Bulbamew

    A big nerd drawing big nerdy things

    I cannot criticise drawing ability, for I still draw stick-men when drawing people. A Pokémon drawing from me would resemble the scribblings of a six year old
  5. Bulbamew

    Rate the avatar above you

    9/10 Fat shyguy, made me laugh but misses out on a ten as his voice drives me barmy
  6. Bulbamew

    You're Banned

    You're banned because assumably you don't like the Beatles and they are the greatest band of all time, bar none
  7. Bulbamew

    You're Banned

    You're banned because *you're And if it was deliberate because of your post, you're banned anyway
  8. Bulbamew

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I rarely run into Ferrothorn anyway, but I have an Arcanine with Flamethrower and Fire Fang so both special and physical are covered. But yeah, you probably need a real powerful one like Arcanine with good strong Fire moves (Flame Wheel, Flame Charge and the like probably aren't strong enough as...
  9. Bulbamew

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    Your username ain't bad either, haha
  10. Bulbamew

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I actually think it looks cool :o but it does seem primarily a Steel Pokemon. Still, I believe it's highest stat is Defence, so it seems more like a tank than an attacker. It's kind of slow as well so a good Fire Pokemon should torch it theoretically, they're often pretty fast
  11. Bulbamew


    Don't worry, you don't sound stupid. We were all new here once, and I like you joined the forums years after actually discovering the site so you're not alone:sunglasses:
  12. Bulbamew

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I've heard Ferrothorn can be lethal if you can find a way to counter Fire Pokémon. Never used them though so I can't speak from experience
  13. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    Really? I should have known that really because I was the other way round (I have B2, my little bro has W2) and I helpfully gave him directions. Yeah, he never let me hear the end of it, although I thought I'd just forgotton the way through. And as for the exclusives, I'd say we're better off...
  14. Bulbamew

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Cheated on the Marquee of Doom. Somehow
  15. Bulbamew

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I've never actually owned any of them, I usually go with the Grass starter Pokemon so I rarely catch any Grass pokemon unless they are rare or whatever. The first time I saw Roserade, it was Gardenia's last Pokemon, I remember finishing it when it had low HP with my last Pokemon, an unused Level...
  16. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    I think Reversal Mountain actually looks a bit different inside (only aesthetically mind you, the way through, layout and available Pokémon are the same) depending on the version. White 2 contains lava, and Black 2 contains dripping water. Considering it is near a vulcan-like city and the...
  17. Bulbamew

    A big nerd drawing big nerdy things

    Those designs are really good, I actually like the Embird line better than the Tepig line. All the designs look good, I'd say the only problem is the mascot legendaries since the typing gives one of them a big advantage, but I suppose you could say the same for Groudon and Kyogre. Very good :)
  18. Bulbamew

    Rate the avatar above you

    7/10 not really sure what it is but it looks kinda cool I guess :P
  19. Bulbamew

    How much would you recommend playing B/W before B2/W2

    I can imagine it will still be a great game if you haven't played the first, but you'll find every so often a character referring to "that Trainer two years ago..." who is obviously thr B/W player so I would advise playing through B/W first
  20. Bulbamew

    Pokémon Black/White 2 - Black City and White Forest question

    Re: Pokémon Black/White 2 - Black City and White Forest question Oh, thanks. I had already done five areas and there are five more and it was still empty so I'll try finishing the last five. thanks again
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