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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    Pokémon Black/White 2 - Black City and White Forest question

    Pokémon Black/White 2 - Black City and White Forest question OK, so I have Black 2 and my brother has White 2. Both my Black City and his White Forest are pretty much empty - no stock in the city shops and no grass in the forest. We are both aware of the Key System and all that. In the...
  2. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

  3. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    I am there! Whipping out my DS at just gone midnight :D
  4. Bulbamew

    Suggest Movies for Me

    I haven't seen the Back to the Future films anywhere here. Those are three of the greatest films I've ever watched and if you haven't seen them yet, watch them in order, it's vital you watc them in the right order. Also, as has been mentioned, Inglorious is a very good films, as is Reservoir...
  5. Bulbamew

    [WANTED][BW2] Melloetta

    There is a chance I could get you one from my cousins old White game but I can't promise anything. Also, please tell me you don't use legendaries in your proper team. Where's the fun in that? :P
  6. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    D: Where did you find Lapras?!
  7. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    I heard Timer Balls now take fill effect after only 10-15 turns now. Not really sure though. Of that trio Azelf was the easiest for me anyway, it was that cursed Uxie that wouldn't keep still for me. Annoying as Uxie is my favourite of the three
  8. Bulbamew

    Acronym Game

    Great Videos (of) Many Android Terrorists Winning A Cat I clearly have a ****ed up imagination KSITGOAS
  9. Bulbamew

    You're Banned

    You're banned because you have Yu-Gi-Oh cards in your sig instead of Pokémon cards. Traitor!
  10. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    I loved all the new gyms. In particular, Clay's was really cool and watching Mr. Yo Champ in Making get blown about by a fan in Skyla's gym was probably the funniest part of the game apart from your rival's "I'm going to unleash my rage!". Good to see Brycen's gym is still there even thoough...
  11. Bulbamew

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    I know, he's a legend. And you have a Lapras in your name, avatar and sig :D love that thing
  12. Bulbamew

    Rate the User Title above you!

    6/10 I guess if you're from New York that title may be funny, but I'm not even American so you've lost me already
  13. Bulbamew

    Nostalgic Games Thread

    Oh, that should be good. I wish they would release a new Crash game similar to the originals. They really screwed him over the new developers did. I hope for life that Game Freak never hand Pokemon to anyone else
  14. Bulbamew

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    Thank you. I meant to put it originally but forgot. And something nice about you - your signature. No clue what it is but whatever it is it's cool :P
  15. Bulbamew

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    Hmm, something about Scootaloo. You slagged off my signature earlier </3 fixing it now. Well at least you gave me something to improve on, that's nice of you :s Person below me, if your description of me mentions typicial negative stereotyping of Scousers I'll kick your damn head off!
  16. Bulbamew


    Result: y7 Not much, although a dialogue box saying what happens when you press F7 came up
  17. Bulbamew

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Other than Black 2? I play FIFA 13 a bit, but it's not really a play-through, there is no story or anything, I'll just have a game with my brother or whatever. Soon I will be playing the new Professor Layton game as well! I saw the advert earlier and now I'm well excited. Anyone who likes...
  18. Bulbamew

    Nostalgic Games Thread

    :O I forgot about that guy! I rarely got the chance to play the original, I had Crash and my brother had Rayman. Unfortunately, the Rayman games are now all about those stupid rabbit things. Pray4Rayman
  19. Bulbamew

    Rate the Signature above you!

    Hmm. I have no idea what your sig means. So you get a five. (Out of five thousand) For the next person, gwahahahaha my signature is long. Feel my juicy wrath
  20. Bulbamew

    Yet Another Association Game

    The Conservatives (Including that poncy fat t@#! David Cameron, or the English Republicans for Americans)
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