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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    Nostalgic Games Thread

    Sounds like a brilliant childhood, quite similar to mine. I don't know if you could get into Crash now if you never really played it as a child, but they were brilliant games to play. I love The Sims and RCT as well but never played the really old ones
  2. Bulbamew

    If you had your own band/group....

    If I did have my own band, it would be classic rock. Beatles style. I'm from Liverpool, where the Beatles came from, so everyone here just loves them. I can't play an instrument so I'd probably be lead vocal, although if I did play an instrument it would be lead guitar as I have played that...
  3. Bulbamew

    B2/W2 Progress Thread

    I feel like one of the only people here who's finished the story and everything. So if anyone needs any help or advice or anything then I'm all ears My team is in my sig. They're all in the 60s except of course King Serperior II who is level 72.
  4. Bulbamew

    Post your teams and rate others!

    Basically, you can post your teams from Pokemon games, here. You can get your team rated and reviewed, in the positive and the negative. Feel free to post teams from older games as well, but remember how old the games are, where things like held items may not have yet existed and certain types...
  5. Bulbamew

    Nostalgic Games Thread

    Pokemon Red - this was actually the first video game I ever owned, and I spent so long playing it as a four year old. I still remember my main team - Venusaur, Pidgeot, Arcanine, Seaking, Muk and Magneton. My new team on Black 2 is strikingly similar, as you will see in my sig. Crash Bandicoot...
  6. Bulbamew

    Absurdly lucky/unlucky moments

    My luckiest moment? Pokemon Pearl (it may have been Platinum actually, but it seemed like donkeys ago so it was probably Pearl). Oh, this is brilliant. I was against Gardenia, the grass gym leader. She was down to her last pokemon, the Roserade (I forget the level, I assume it was the late...
  7. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game Hatched from the very first Egg With golden hooves on its leg It created Sinnoh And the creation trio And the lake guardians too - you will beg Next: Lance
  8. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game I know nothing about Sinjoh Ruins for this Haikou I have yet to see the ruins event Beans on toast Next: Pewter City
  9. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game Some non-Flying Pokemon have the ablity To avoid moves from the Ground types They can also avoid the move Sky Drop And will not be damaged by Spikes Not perfect, but it'll do. Topic: Full Restore
  10. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game Chandelure, the grand candle Has the highest Special Attack Of all non-legendaries So off will they back Zangoose
  11. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game Your opponent is fully recovered But you have something up your sleeve... Use Wring Out and floor him in one And experience points you'll receive You're so close to finishing him off The only move left is Wring Out With no choice, you use the move Bare damage done -...
  12. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game If you cannot find your way Around the fogginess of the night Flap your birds wings, to help To clear out all of the white Edit: Forgot the prompt. Prompt is Professor Oak
  13. Bulbamew

    Nuzlocke Challenge

    I remember doing one of these on Platinum. God, my 'dead' box was full. My starter, an Empoleon called Pingu, got killed by some damned Machamp. At least he was avenged by a Staraptor called Lil'Jimmy hahahha
  14. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game Out of nothing, the Nincada evolved Appeared a Ninjask - problem solved But appeared next to this Came a thing to dismiss Low-healthed - it appeared to have devolved But up the pecking order would it climb Its defensive abilities were sublime Its incredible Wonder...
  15. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game Some people call him Gary And others call him Blue But if there's one thing we know He's coming for you QWILFISH!
  16. Bulbamew

    A Pokémon Poetry Game

    Re: A Pokémon Poetry Game He's little, he's yellow He's gonna Thundershock you He walks with Red, the greatest trainer And that queerboy Ash Ketchum too! I know, I have the poetic ability of a turnip. Okay, next prompt: Mew
  17. Bulbamew

    What Pokemon type of Gym Leader/Elite 4 member would you be? *Quiz*

    Can I jus ask, the type we use is not just based on the colour, is it?
  18. Bulbamew

    Being an Idiot

    Hahaha, I think we all had problems with Silver at first, all thought 'he' was called ???, and 'he' looked like a girl. Never heard about that drowning one though. For your idiotness sir, you win a cookie
  19. Bulbamew

    Being an Idiot

    I used to call them dogs but only because that's what my brother said. :P I think it would be more of a mixture. Raikou and Entei are definetely based on cats, sabre-tooth tiger and lion. Suicune I think is more of a dog. I just don't see a panther there - I think it looks more like a wolf...
  20. Bulbamew

    Rate the Signature above you!

    1/10 I don't want lemon in my eyes
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