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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    Being an Idiot

    Where to start... Well, I don't remember who, might've been Flannery, I was against a Magcargo anyway. The sun was blazng, and I had a Fire pokemon with Solarbeam, a Fighting move and Fire Blast (or Flamethrower). We were both on our last pokemon. I could've crushed it with the fighting move or...
  2. Bulbamew


    Hello! I'm reasonably new to the forums as well. If you're wondering,, the style switcher is at the bottom left, so you don't have to be stuck with black and white
  3. Bulbamew

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9/10 Laughed out loud at 'Obamasnow' but I don't like reading small writing so no 10/10 i'm afraid
  4. Bulbamew

    What Pokemon type of Gym Leader/Elite 4 member would you be? *Quiz*

    1. Elijah 2. Quiet? 3. Use status moves to all advantages 4. Some sort of games programmer 5. Red 6. Come On (Liverpool)!!!!! 7. Classic rock 8. Kanto
  5. Bulbamew

    The Hillsborough Disaster 23rd Anniversary

    23 years ago today, at the Hillsborough Football Stadium in Sheffield, England, 96 supporters of Liverpool Football Club lost their lives in a crush. As you can read in my profile, I am a supporter of the club. I was not alive in 1989 when it happened, but many, many members of my family and...
  6. Bulbamew

    What part of the franchise are you interested in?

    I have played the main-series games since Red came out. I've played a few spinoffs, my first was the original Pinball, but I never played the R/S version of pinball I've played Mystery Dungeon 2, think the one I had (it was on my bros R4 card) was Darkness. Admittedly, I got hooked for a bit...
  7. Bulbamew

    A thought about B/W

    Since in R/S and D/P there was just the Battle Tower, I am guessing there will be an upgraded Subway in B/W2. As mentioned above, I thought D/P were bland when compared with Plat, and the same could be true for B/W & B/W2. But since they are called B/W2, it is likely a sequel rather than an...
  8. Bulbamew

    It's a good job the forums are in English !!!

    It's a good job the forums are in English !!!
  9. Bulbamew

    What was your first ever Pokémon game?

    Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game? Red was my first game and I've been hooked on the series since I picked it up :-) Never had chance to play Yellow but I've played all the other third versions
  10. Bulbamew

    A thought about B/W

    First of all, I thought Pokemon Black and White were brilliant. A fresh start, a whole new beginning. I loved most of the new features, especially with the Gym Leaders, such as how the music changes after they release their final pokemon, or . The story itself was absolutely fantastic in my...
  11. Bulbamew

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks! Agghhhh, none of my favourite three are there!
  12. Bulbamew

    Hello everyone!

    Hello! My name's Bulbamew (obviously) and I've been a regular visitor to this site for years but being the rather slow person I am I've completely forgotton about making an account on the forums, but I've done it now. Not much else to say apart from my favourite games are the Kanto ones, my...
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