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Search results

  1. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legend of the Eeveelutions

    Oh heck, I'll play as Darkrai instead, if I can. I don't usually play the villian. This could be cool.
  2. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Grin scratched his head. "Onko, you seem a bit more peppy than usual... Are you sick?" He turned his head to the side and chuckled.
  3. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Grin laughed and pointed at Groudon. "Ha, okay, I'll be waitin' ya coward!" He spun around and ran out of the cave. "Hey, Onko, why did we go there, again?"
  4. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legend of the Eeveelutions

    Lol, guess I'll join this one instead... Name: Sago (totally made this up off the top of my head) Gender: Male Age: 13 in human years Pokemon: Ludicolo Side: The Balancers Personality: Sago is a lazy Pokemon, who likes to simply dance around on a rainy day. But he can't always be lazy, after...
  5. Grinning Calamity

    Idea Center

    That looks cool, but I'm not a huge fan either, I just think it's an awesome manga. But I wouldn't wanna be leader. Too confusing
  6. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Grin quickly launched into the air to avoid Groudon's claw. "Whoah, easy there, beasty. It was a joke... unless you do wanna fight. 'Cause I'm ready!" He put up his dukes and looked Groudon directly in the eye.
  7. Grinning Calamity

    The Dark Knight

    I just saw it a coule days ago. It was totally awesome. Kinda reminded me of Death Note, because of the constant battle of wits. I wish 2-face had lasted longer, he looked so cool! Overall, sweetness. Shame the Joker's actor died. 'Tis a real shame.
  8. Grinning Calamity

    Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

    Yep, I read s Nintendo Power about this one. I think it's cool they made a new one, but this one's gonna be way different. It's focused on vehicles instead of puzzle-solving foot-adventure games.
  9. Grinning Calamity

    Soulcalibur IV

    Re: Soul Calibur IV Man, I have Soul Calibur Legends for wii, and I love it. I wish this game had come out for wii. To Zhorken what's-his/her-face: Gee... Thanks...
  10. Grinning Calamity

    Idea Center

    I think we need a .hack RP. Maybe not one that follows an original plot though, it'd be better if we could just make one up.
  11. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Grin grinned and and waltzed forward to Groudon. "Hello there, big beasty. I'm Grin, by name 'n nature. I'm a warrior of the Emberfist Academy, and I'm here for a warrior's duel. What say you?" Grin spoke in a mix of his usual slang and knightly sophistication. Wait, what are we even here for...
  12. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Three Treasures

    sure, why not? I'm sure a group of scythers could cut up wood, and a machamp could build it.
  13. Grinning Calamity

    Who's your favorite Eeveelution?

    Lol, that was me!!! Sorry, I never liked any of them that much... 'til now. For some reason I really like Umbreon all of a sudden.
  14. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Three Treasures

    Ember groaned and rubbed his head. It was another headache. This always happened when he stayed up too long thinking of plans. Okay, Blastoise is making a move against me, and Torterra is currently being cornered. What can I do...? I have reason to believe that Torterra and Blastoise are...
  15. Grinning Calamity

    Idea Center

    That sounds like a good twist, but maybe you shouldn't post this, because now the story has been ruined for me...
  16. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Three Treasures

    Name: Ember Gender: Male Pokemon: Typhlosion Personality: Ember is a fierce pokemon, always looking for a fight. Although headstrong and aggresive, he is quite wise. Appearance: Ember has several tattoos on his body that take the shape of flames, the sun, and the moon. Biography: Uh, I'll leave...
  17. Grinning Calamity

    Soulcalibur IV

    Re: Soul Caliber IV That's already out? Cool. I wanna play as Darth vader!!!!!11!one!!oneoneeleven!!! He's so cool! P.S. Can you play as the Apprentice from The Force Unleashed? What systems does it come out for?
  18. Grinning Calamity

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Yes, maybe, but I want someone that will tell me the truth as a voter, not just tell me lies to get me to do something. I'm not retarded, and I'm not naive, I'm hopeful. There wasn't a need to insult me.
  19. Grinning Calamity

    Open TEA-The Elemental Alliance

    The balloon silently landed on the ground. Shin walked onto the solid ground. He was always a fan of flying, and even though he never shows it, he loves traveling via balloon. "Alright guys, I guess we should start scouting. Also remember, if you see any troops, don't take them on your own. We...
  20. Grinning Calamity

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Because in his years of being senator, he never voted on anything. He always abstained. He didn't support the war in Iraq, but he didn't oppose it.
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