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Search results

  1. Grinning Calamity

    What are you wearing right now?

    I'm wearing a goose I beat up at camp.
  2. Grinning Calamity

    Idea Center

    Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll make Earthlings playable, and maybe say a bit more about adaptations.
  3. Grinning Calamity

    Closed Cartoon World

    Looks fun! Name: Calamity Gender: Male Age: 15 Looks: Calamity wears a purple jester suit with a green jester hat. Silver Eyes. 6' tall. He can fly/levitate!
  4. Grinning Calamity

    Idea Center

    Okay, I gots something like an idea. So, here ya go: The Year is 2500. Humans have abandoned Earth due to Global Warming, and have created space colonies. These colonies are all over the galaxy, and are heavily populated by humans. However, not everyone in the world left Earth. Some people...
  5. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Grin looked around and sood on top of Onko's table. "How strange. I wonder what's causing this?" He looked around for a moment with his hand protecting his eyes from the sunlight. "Hey! Is that Spiderman!?" (reference to Goros)
  6. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Grin snapped his fingers. "Okay, how 'bout, 'The Justice League'? It has a nice ring to it, but it seems strangely familiar..."
  7. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- halfway done! Grin awoke slowly. No news from Arceus. Then again, last time we talked was the first time in years! ... I'm hungry... He walked around outside for a few minutes until he found She-Gallade. "Well, hello friend. I was thinking we need a new name if we want to...
  8. Grinning Calamity

    Open Kira's Return[A Death Note RPG]

    Thanks! Man, Ryuk is cool. But whose side is he on? Or do I get to decide? ...Muahahaha!
  9. Grinning Calamity

    The Pokemon World Cup - Final

    17th? That'll do, Flygon... That'll do...
  10. Grinning Calamity


    I used to cry a lot, but I never do anymore.
  11. Grinning Calamity

    Open Kira's Return[A Death Note RPG]

    So, if I want to be Ryuk, do I need to have a form? Shinigami's are awesome.
  12. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- halfway done! Grin walked over to Artemis. "So, She-Gallade, I think it's time to tell you the truth. I was planning to kill you and Darkrai to restore neutrality to the world, but then Arceus told me to spare you. See, I'm his hand, get it? He interacts with the current...
  13. Grinning Calamity


    1. The Ocean(Only a little, Im more afraid of the creatures under the water than anything) 2. Heights 3. The thought of cloth touching my teeth. Yeah, pretty wierd, but I'm afraid of that strange feeling.
  14. Grinning Calamity

    What are your religious beliefs?

    Re: What religion do you adhere to? I'm not quite sure what I believe, but I like to believe that God exists.
  15. Grinning Calamity

    Can you do impressions?

    Well, I think I'm good at imitations, but others might disagree.
  16. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin ended his fight with a Sableye. "So, we won? Are we heroes now?" He stretched his arms. "I was expecting something more dramatic, but I demand a parade!" Grin laughed.
  17. Grinning Calamity

    Addicted to something?

    Star Wars Battlefront 2, Star Wars Renegade Squadron, Youtube, PSP, DS, RP's, Homework... Wow, I'm boring, lol.
  18. Grinning Calamity

    Names for Gold and Silver Remakes

    GoldaliciousGold, and SilvabulousSilver.
  19. Grinning Calamity

    The Pokemon World Cup - Final

    Well, they're both Johto... they're both pretty cool... Unfortunately, I don't like Umbreon much. (Stupid Pokemon Colosseum!) So, LUGIA FOR THE VICTORYYYYYYYYY!
  20. Grinning Calamity

    Open TEA-The Elemental Alliance

    Shin looked at the group in front of him. "Okay, well, let's get this over with." He boarded the balloon and invited the others on. Within a few minutes, the group had left the base of TEA and were headed to the Southern Air Temple. Shin stayed in the Engine Room to elevate the balloon when it...
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