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Search results

  1. Grinning Calamity

    Open Blossom and Rain - an Animal Crossing RPG

    Kapp'n and Croc pulled up to the shore. "Thanks, Kapp'n!" Croc waved goodbye and Kapp'n saluted, drifting back into the sea. He noticed that some of his neighbors were debating what pattern the flag should have. "Hey guys! I've got a good pattern." Croc held up a sloppy-looking fish pattern...
  2. Grinning Calamity

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Kilik was startled by that red-haired girl's tackle. Hmm... must be some kind of new-vampire thing... Kilik tried to help Tai by wrestling her off of him with his vampire muscles. "Listen, you need to learn some control, okay? I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a vampire, too. This kind of...
  3. Grinning Calamity

    Role Playing Character Trends

    *shrugs* I kind of thought that, too, but I was kind of curious about how many people would actually vote that.
  4. Grinning Calamity

    Open Blossom and Rain - an Animal Crossing RPG

    Croc walked past the Town Hall on his way home, and decided to read the bulletin board. "Whoah, Animal Island? Who knows what kinds of fish I can catch there?" Croc thought aloud. Once Croc reached the coast, he got there just in time to see the boat drift away. "Darn it all..." He cursed. But...
  5. Grinning Calamity

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Kilik looked around, wondering where his help was most needed. After a second he decided that his immediate abilities were best used at close-range, rather than fighting giant wolves. "Tai! I'm coming to help you, " Kilik shouted as he charged at Aoryu with ice-katana ready. Once he reached...
  6. Grinning Calamity

    Open Blossom and Rain - an Animal Crossing RPG

    Croc waved hello to Nana and continued into Nook's. He exited a few minutes later, carrying a coffe maker in one hand, and a new fishing rod in the other. "Hehehe, yep, I made it off pretty well!" He pulled an apple off of a tree and bit into it hungrily.
  7. Grinning Calamity

    Open Blossom and Rain - an Animal Crossing RPG

    Croc sat in his living room, fishing in the river he built his house on. He'd been up for a long time, and had caught quite a haul. "Maybe now I can buy that coffee maker at Nook's. Heaven knows I need it..." Croc thought aloud. "Let's see..." Croc counted his fish. "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be...
  8. Grinning Calamity

    Would you rename a type?

    I wouldn't rename any, but I agree with your ideas.
  9. Grinning Calamity

    Sexual Orientation

    I'm quite straight. My stance on homosexual stuff, is just that I don't think that people were meant to be homosexual, but it's their own buisness, and I don't care... As long as they don't mess with me, I don't care. it's not that I'm a homophobe, but I just think homosexuals are... eh...
  10. Grinning Calamity

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Kilik looked around, confused at all the events taking place. I'm so tired of this stuff. "Well, I guess it's time to rumble. I may have to go vampire a bit more quickly than I thought..." Kilik's voice faded off and his figure started to change. His build became a bit more muscular, his skin...
  11. Grinning Calamity

    Aid Required.

    I would say: stick with future, genetic experiments, and as for playable characters, I would say all sides are playable. This gives a lot of freedom, and if you did this, I know I would join in a heartbeat. Sounds great!
  12. Grinning Calamity

    Open Blossom and Rain - an Animal Crossing RPG

    This sounds fun! Name: Croc Gender: Male Species: Crocodile Appearance: Croc is usually wearing blue shorts, and a white T-shirt with a random blue arrow pointing toward his head. Croc also wears glasses. Personality: Corc is usually a happy person, and is hard to anger, but when he is angry...
  13. Grinning Calamity

    New Type

    I thought that too, but the moves have nothing to do with being evil or good in Psychic. If anything, Psychic should be neutral. In Dark, the moves seem pretty evil. Theif, Beat-up. It's pretty dark, I think. In Psychic, all you do is blow up people's minds(lol). I'm not sure what a Light...
  14. Grinning Calamity

    New Type

    I think that a Light type is needed. If you have Dark, you should have Light, right?
  15. Grinning Calamity

    What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    Mine is Ludicolo now, because I picked one pokemon from random and that's what I got. And thus, Ludicolo became my favorite pokemon.
  16. Grinning Calamity

    Closed System Corruption.

    Calamity pulled a couple of katanas out of his scabbards and walked along the countryside. The Online World can be a bit scary. Sometimes you think that you can do whatever you want, but then you remember that what you do here affects how you are in real life... There must be something or...
  17. Grinning Calamity


    Hi, CoopCoopCoop. I thought you decided to leave foreverzorz.
  18. Grinning Calamity

    Hi CoopCoopCoop!

    Hi CoopCoopCoop!
  19. Grinning Calamity

    Closed System Corruption.

    Seth opened up his laptop in a local bookstore with internet. My avatar is totally awesome, but I think that I need to get a bit better at using him. In the Online World, everything is about power, and mad skills, of course... As he connected himself to the computer, he thought about his...
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