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Search results

  1. Grinning Calamity

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Kilik slowly stood up after awakening. He rubbed his head in exhaustion. Okay... I've now seen giant monsters, vampires, and perhaps even teleportation... That's waaaaay too much excitement for me... Kilik folded his arms on his chest and waited for someone to explain everything.
  2. Grinning Calamity

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Kilik looked at the beast emerging from the random explosion. "Wha-!?" He gasped. Kilik stepped backwards a couple steps and fell behind him. Instinctively, he put his arms in front of his face. Okay, whatever this thing is, what weapons do I have? Let's see... I'm a vampire, but I haven't...
  3. Grinning Calamity

    Grin's Photoshop Signature Shop of Awesomeness!

    Yes. if you look under, "Requests, " you can see I accepted it this morning, lol.
  4. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin chuckled. "Darkrai, you really have lost your touch. My blades were poisoned from the Tangrowth. You've lost now. The poison will only get worse and worse..." He fell to the floor, and gave in to the nightmare.
  5. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin noticed how empty Darkrai's throne room was. It was strange to see him without so many followers. He looked like he had been frustrated, and frankly, he looked a bit weak. If I'm ever to restore this world to neutrality, I need both teams dead... I think the...
  6. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! (Hey Gardevoir, do you want to control Darkrai?) Grin was thrown to the ground by Tangrowth. The trip to the Dark Base wasn't very long. Grin couldn't see a thing the entire way, which was probably the Tangrowth's intention. As he rubbed his eyes, Grin looked up...
  7. Grinning Calamity

    Grin's Photoshop Signature Shop of Awesomeness!

    Here ya go: Enjoy!
  8. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin's breaths became heavy. These waves of Pokemon got tiring... and there were more coming... "Hehe... You guys... You never learn, do ya? I'm the best physical fighter in the world, and yet you still keep coming with close-combat Pokemon!" From out of the...
  9. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! The enemies that stood before Grin were sent to the next life and left laying on the floor. "That was messy... Hehehe... A bunch of noobs..." Grin was about to go help his teammates, until another small battalion of Pokemon arrived. "You guys just don't know when...
  10. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin's thoughts were interrupted by an enemy Scyther, who ambushed him in the secluded area. "So... You one of Xiacra's goons?" He asked. The Scyther nodded. "Well then... Let's dance!" Grin chuckled as he and Scyther dashed at eachother. They locked blades and...
  11. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legends' Harmony

    Koden nodded with a smile and turned to Brendan. "Hello, Drao and I are on a quest to make peace among the Legendary Pokemon. Would you like to join us?" While asking Brendan the question that of which has been previously alluded(lol), Koden sent out his pokemon, Trapinch, Elekid, and Ralts...
  12. Grinning Calamity

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    Hi, level up my Cool-Thingy, please! =D
  13. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legends' Harmony

    Koden smiled and faced toward Brendan. "Yes... I'm not really a, "hunter, " actually, but what I really mean is that my goal in life is to meet all of the legendary pokemon, either in combat or in peace." He explained. Turning back toward Drao he explained more. "I believe that by helping you...
  14. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legends' Harmony

    Koden introduced himself to the newest addition to the group. "Hello, I am Koden." He turned toward Drao. "Well, that sounds tempting... To tell you the truth, I never considered hunting legends in a group, but yes, I will join you. However, my pokemon are not that experienced yet. If you would...
  15. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legends' Harmony

    Koden looked over at the boy talking to him. "Hello, I am Koden. I'm a Legend Hunter. And who are you?" He asked. In response to another person that walked up to the statues, he chuckled. "Yes, they are amazing, aren't they? The pokemon of Space and Time..." One day I will find them...
  16. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legends' Harmony

    Koden took a shortcut through Mt. Coronet to reach Eterna City. The mountain always creeped him out a little, but nevertheless, he made it through without a scratch on him or his pokemon. He calmly walked up the steps to examine the statues of Palkia and Dialga. One day... One day, I will find...
  17. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! (danget! You guys are stealing my spotlight! lol, jk)
  18. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin walked away to a secluded area and sat down to watch the moon rise. The cool air comforted him, and left him alone with his thoughts. I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into here... I've gained everyone's trust, especially the Lightstruck, which is perfect...
  19. Grinning Calamity

    Oh no. Arceus is coming to the U.S

    Well, I'm not sure what'll happen, but what I will say, is that Arceus looks AWESOME.
  20. Grinning Calamity

    Open Legends' Harmony

    Koden stretched lazily until he felt a bit less sleepy. He didn't like using alarm clocks, too much stress. Koden preferred relying on his own body to wake him up. He took a shower, and then got his, "Quest Clothes," on, which is his name for the clothes he always wore to adventure with. Koden...
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