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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    Uh, make a recording, save it to your computer and upload on generic upload site of your choice (e.g. Sendspace)?
  2. CNiall


    Re: Poképoems! I'd really rather just say what I feel about these... things, but you've randomly switched from second to third person (you're ... she'll) and none of these make any kind of sense. How does something being cute 'redeem' something completely unrelated being mute (I'm so calling...
  3. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    hey hey hey I feel left out because you didn't Captain Criticise my voice ):
  4. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    That'd be my voice being awkward to understand and the best of times, then. :| SIDENOTE wow, unless that recording was really crap my voice sounds nothing like it does to me when I am speaking
  5. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    The quality very probably got screwed up somewhere; I'll check later and try and make a better version if it has. post-listening edit: no, the quality's okay--it's just my voice is largely incomprehensible almost all the time and the recording screwed with the pitch a bit (although how that...
  6. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    Voice. I fully realise that I sound ridiculous but aside from that feel free to arbitrarily criticise as you wish.
  7. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    I really wouldn't call Castform's voice deep at all--it sounds bored in the first clip, but that's it. :|
  8. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    Tact! Also, I don't want to sound like an ass but you can't criticise >:(
  9. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose
  10. CNiall

    Five years on tea-cod, oh dear

    I've been on for five years either next month or twelve days ago--I think Conforums uses MM/DD/YY, which would mean the latter. Whoo, five year members. \o/
  11. CNiall

    What are you thinking?

    Damn, Ground Zero is difficult. :(
  12. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/math_paper.png http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/large_hadron_collider.png Also: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/journal.png http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/journal_2.png http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/journal_3.png http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/journal_4.png...
  13. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Virtually all of the people that I have known to have capital letters following ellipses have annoyed me (for various reasons, none of which involved ellipses). I didn't try to make the point from a gramatical point of view nor intend to make any assumptions about Shadowstar--I probably should...
  14. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Shadowstar: no idea who you are, but putting a capital letter after an ellipsis doesn't inspire hope. :(
  15. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Dewgong: you seem like a pretty nice person, but I barely know you. Castform: nothing inherently wrong with you, though the songs annoy me and you don't carry a hearse. Bakuphoon: judging from what I've seen of you (remembering that this is the title of your art thread and your first post on...
  16. CNiall

    Can you do impressions?

    I'm terrible at impressions--my voice doesn't sound like anyone I've heard, and the lack of any reasonable vocal range certainly doesn't help.
  17. CNiall

    How did you come to T-Cod?

    I can't actually remember how I reached tCoD (probably through Google, I guess), but I remember the site looking like oldestofold.aspx. I think I joined the forums shortly after Scizor did, though.
  18. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Those pictures would be so much funnier if they didn't have fail plastered over them in an attempt to make them funny when they were good enough to start with. :(
  19. CNiall

    Yeah; that said, I need to get my Steam games installed again, so I'll be on Vista for quite a...

    Yeah; that said, I need to get my Steam games installed again, so I'll be on Vista for quite a while yet anyway.
  20. CNiall

    Pretty average, in all honesty--school ends after next week, which is good, but the last week is...

    Pretty average, in all honesty--school ends after next week, which is good, but the last week is always incredibly boring so it all balances out into a happy equilibrium I guess. I've been trying to get Ubuntu to work with my laptop's wireless card; normally it's really simple but it doesn't...
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