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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Theories that no one else would believe.

    Re: Theories that now one else would believe. Just because Obama's black, you racist pig.
  2. CNiall

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Various flavours of results and grades have produced GCSE A-stars in maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, Latin and IT (which is incredibly easy for pretty much anyone so that doesn't count). Bear in mind that the absolute earliest that I will be taking the actual GCSEs is May 2010 or...
  3. CNiall

    What was your school/college/university day like?

    Maths was more discussing calculus with the teacher than doing the work set; Latin involved doing nothing since the teacher was off. Aside from that, everything was perfectly normal. :|
  4. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I thought that was much funnier than most of this thread's content.
  5. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    haha, what you haven't tried it at all, you probably barely know what it is and you decide it's 'crappy'
  6. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    see, this is why why have Wikipedia.
  7. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    What struggle?
  8. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Most people think I am anyway so that fits fine. \o/
  9. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Midnight's mangling of Leibniz's name makes me sad. A lot of people here vaguely irritate me (and I'm sure I irritate plenty of people, but ssh) but there's no-one on #tcod that I can think of whom I specifically dislike.
  10. CNiall

    How fast can you type?

    Does it really matter how you type as long as it is reasonably fast and accurate?
  11. CNiall

    "Powder Game"

    The green and blue sectors represent air pressure, not air flow.
  12. CNiall

    another homework poll ...

    Hello calculus.
  13. CNiall

    another homework poll ...

    A lot of places outside the US call 'gym' physical education or some variant thereof.
  14. CNiall

    Again, a homework Poll

    100% in maths. pff when will he realise that quadratic equations and surds are not difficult stuff (psst, what subject demands these polls anyway?)
  15. CNiall

    Should I skip a grade?

    If you feel that you would be capable -- as you are suggesting -- then go for it. Realise that these people are not completely different: they're just one year older than you and there'll be next to no 'psychological impact'. Be grateful you're even allowed to skip years, at least. My school...
  16. CNiall

    another homework poll ...

    More people need to realise that maths is not actually a bad subject and need to stop spouting 'but I'll never uuuuuse it :(!' all the time, though. (like disliking the sciences, you mean?)
  17. CNiall

    another homework poll ...

    The amount of people who dislike maths saddens me. Immensely. :(
  18. CNiall

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    It's more the eyes themselves that make you look stoned. :\
  19. CNiall

    Funny Moments at School

    And this is why I rarely listen to discussions in any of my classes that don't involve my friends.
  20. CNiall

    "Powder Game"

    Virus tries to convert all of what it touches into more virus; this may or may not suceed as the substance being converted may 'fight back'. Drop some virus into water (or anything) to see what I mean. Clone continuously replicates whatever substance first touches it. Seed grows into a tree on...
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