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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site!

    Re: Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site! this is why we need to be able to punch people in the face using the magic of the Internet Terry, do you have some kind of disorder that a. prevents you from taking criticism the right way and b. inhibits your ability to make sense? No-one was flaming you, and...
  2. CNiall

    The sound doesn't work on my computer.

    Why is Ubuntu distinguished from Linux when it's just a Linux distro? (and there are more OSes than those listed but let's not go there)
  3. CNiall

    Sports that you play.

    The only sports I do are those I do in school (\o/), which are association football (ugh, hate), basketball (see football) and hockey (we haven't done enough of this for me to form any real opinion, but it seems decent on first impressions). We do basic weight training too, but that isn't a...
  4. CNiall

    Large Hadron Collider

    Wouldn't it be below? (seeing how the 27 kilometres of tunnel underground (Large Hadron Rap whoo) are, well, underground) What?
  5. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    I don't really care how useful they are since I love both of them so :) don't really understand what you mean by the bolded bit but never mind!
  6. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    ew. our school still does too much sport imo (that said I can't stand it so I'm more than a little biased) but we do get some reprieve in the form of non-games (more specifically, cross country and basic weight training). :/
  7. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    :( the teacher called the LHC a 'black hole thingy'? ugh.
  8. CNiall


    Re: Pokèland Isn't the accent meant to be acute?
  9. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    huh so my school's just odd in that P.E. refers to both the course and the mandatory subject (which makes sense seeing as we get educated in the mandatory subject too) I suppose or logical because we don't just do games Chemistry--thermal decomposition of limestone was boring; him being the...
  10. CNiall


    okay so! chemistry teacher know acknowledges the existence of quarks, antiparticles and anything to do with them and I know velle! 1. find out why my jaw is so itchy 2. shave to shut up non sequitur kid, etc.
  11. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose the last frame makes this one.
  12. CNiall


    criticise, pessimistic, insult, piss Sorry, the opportunity presented itself and I had to run with it.
  13. CNiall


    1. Learn present tense of velle (pretty sure it's volo, vis, vult, volumus, vultis, volunt but certainty can't hurt) 2. Shave to shut up non-sequitur kid (but then I'd probably have to not shave) 3. Make my chemistry teacher acknowledge the existence of antiparticles and not ignore anything I...
  14. CNiall

    SPORE! W00T!

    isn't life hard also there is such a thing as formatting and it is generally helpful to know that you are limited to n installations
  15. CNiall

    SPORE! W00T!

    Until you suddenly can't install the game anymore.
  16. CNiall

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    And again. :V (also sohcahtoa)
  17. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    why are you calling P.E. games Don't you do anything that isn't some form of game? If so, ugh. I feel so sorry for you, especially when I love what we do in P.E. that isn't games. :|
  18. CNiall

    My mom just called McCain/Palin a "wonderful team" and said she'd vote for them

    But he doesn't mind Palin-hating, as he said?
  19. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    Physics - the teacher wouldn't remedy the idiocy of those thinking that we would all die so I did it for him :\ P.E. - hockey was better than I thought it'd be but not exactly enjoyable English - pretty irritating; lumped in a group with the kid who thinks shouting louder and banging the table...
  20. CNiall

    Large Hadron Collider

    guuuuys You do realise that there are no collisions tomorrow, meaning that any idiots can rest easy?
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