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Search results

  1. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    Today was pretty crap, but it was better than I thought it'd be: RS - first lesson of the year; overview of the topics covered over the next three years (yes, this really took an hour :|) Latin - awesome as always, albeit somewhat easy (boo pluperfect, velle) I.T. - I normally love the subject...
  2. CNiall

    Keyboard configuration?

    Sounds like Dvorak; German keyboards really aren't too different. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:KB_Germany.svg
  3. CNiall

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    Maths is easily my favourite subject and I suppose I'm fairly good at it (although ugh new head of maths who thinks we're retards), but most of my class seem to think I'm incredible at it. :\ fairly slow lessons in top group =/= incredible mathematical ability, classmates Also I worry for...
  4. CNiall

    Music tastes link to personality

    High self-esteem, creative (not particularly), introvert (yesyesyes) and at ease (I suppose?), apparently.
  5. CNiall

    Post here and Furret will give you a theme song.

    I'd like to see what my theme song would be. :o
  6. CNiall

    Half-Life 2

    Laszlo (who's lying on the sand) cannot be saved, if I recall correctly, but his friend (on the rocks) can.
  7. CNiall

    Pet Peeves

    -Speaking of this, when people have aneurysms over people saying England/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland because it should be Britain when the person means England/etc. as a specific place. -People who can't use apostrophes (or bad grammar in general). -Creationism (actually, religion in general...
  8. CNiall

    Your Timetable

    (maybe I'm just strange but I have more than enough people obsessed with languages no-one around them gives a fuck about so it grates on me more than a bit. anyway) I've noticed that the days that would be pretty good have P.E. stamped on them (which in my school is mostly football--but I hate...
  9. CNiall

    New guy says achmed

    At least he doesn't want to kill what sounds like most of North America and a fair chunk of Europe because they won't allow you to fulfill your egocentric dreams of power, respect, and money. :|
  10. CNiall

    How was your school day?

    Our school is too slow to get going. :( English--hi I'm a new teacher here I will be teaching you English for the next three years History--hi I'm a new teacher here I will be teaching you History for the next three years; what do you know about America in 1919-41? I.T--hi you will be doing...
  11. CNiall

    Your Timetable

    I find that anyone's right to complain is void when that person starts what they are complaining about but whatever
  12. CNiall

    Your Timetable

    Uh, you started it here?
  13. CNiall

    Your Timetable

    Do I tell everybody that I'm learning French/Spanish/Latin when the chance presents itself or spout fragments of French/Spanish/Latin for the sake of it?
  14. CNiall

    Your Timetable

    Surprise surprise!
  15. CNiall

    Your Timetable

    Because my school's obnoxious and has a two-week timetable (also, thank Christ for early GCSE options--screw you, art, music, D.T., although cutting out P.E. would have been more than welcome) Week 1: Monday - geography, Spanish, chemistry, history, French Tuesday - biology, P.E., maths...
  16. CNiall

    Swampert forum

    Read the thread Furretsu gave you.
  17. CNiall

    Swampert forum

    You still have your posts.
  18. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    If only one sequence of events will happen no matter what you do, isn't that essentially destiny? Back it up.
  19. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    Hey, Cyndaquil--you're not funny. Stop trying to make crappy jokes.
  20. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    Re: Quite possibly the most debated thing... ever. Uh, I've never encountered a program compatible with XP but not Vista. My laptop can run Vista's transparencies and so on fine with an integrated video card if I want it to. :\
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