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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Post here and Furret will give you a theme song.

    I'd be quite interested to see what my theme song would be (although rap or screamo wouldn't be entirely welcome).
  2. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    atomic and sub-atomic possibilities if I recall correctly.
  3. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    Re: Quite possibly the most debated thing... ever. Doesn't that sort of depend on the distro?
  4. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    see: many worlds-interpretation of quantum theory Championing it as fact is going a bit far, given that it is just an interpretation, but still. (I think that it says that a parallel universe is created when a quantum superposition collapses (or whatever the term is) but I could very easily be...
  5. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    So your arm doesn't move for the blind or those not looking?
  6. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    The 'tourists from the future' thing doesn't make time travel physically impossible.
  7. CNiall

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    Where are the tourists from the future? (actually this doesn't prove time travel to be physically impossible but it seemed appropriate) Is it just me that finds 'will x be possible?' threads really weird? I've always thought that those questions were more suitable for experts in the relevant...
  8. CNiall

    Rambling about people's signatures thread, apparently.

    interested in learning it =/= scattering fragments of it all over the place that very few people here can even translate to show people how much you know Anyway, Zeta Reticuli's post pretty much sums up my opinions. I don't care about your dragons and don't even want to know if you EV train or not.
  9. CNiall

    Poetry about forum members

    Haha, awesome. Much better than anything I could have written. For Christ's sake, come out of Terryland and get some manners. You're like this in every thread you post in. :\
  10. CNiall

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    How does our resilience to extremely high temperatures determine the size of the Sun? (yes, I love pointing out bad logic) Hypotheses.
  11. CNiall

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    <humour>Well, you have that inability</humour> (hurray for rehashed sarcasm tags)
  12. CNiall

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    If I saw them with any regularity I would. :( What was attacking you about those posts, though? (and most of the time I was joking anyway but you missed them all it seems)
  13. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    Re: Quite possibly the most debated thing... ever. Operating systems go beyond those made by Apple and Microsoft. ...what programs do you use, exactly? I've found that I've been able to use the same programs I used on XP on Vista. True, I didn't use many, but have you looked up compatibility...
  14. CNiall

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    No, that makes it obnoxious and irritating. (also knowing your Greeky-Greek-ness it's probably something to do with Greek or Greece)
  15. CNiall

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    Far fewer people know what the hell ti is.
  16. CNiall

    Operating Systems

    Re: Quite possibly the most debated thing... ever. Since when is PC an OS?
  17. CNiall

    How are your class mates?

    Uh, in my school the top sets have pretty much the same share of irritating people as every other set. :\
  18. CNiall

    How are your class mates?

    My form's (I won't go into actual lessons because I can't remember last year's groups and don't know this year's groups) split into more or less three segments--the chavs, the incredibly irritating and everyone else (who is generally pretty awesome).
  19. CNiall

    Poetry about forum members

    Creepily awesome poetry. :D (although why didn't I get a poem >:()
  20. CNiall

    whee, vista

    n/b: use sarcasm tags if talking to Renteura
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