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Search results

  1. CNiall

    U3 Firefox is messing up! ;-;

    Why don't you just install Firefox to the desktop and use that whilst your mother uses IE?
  2. CNiall


    He used it as the stereotype of the Internet moron and the response indicated that he wouldn't take people who used chatspeak seriously. Ugh. >>
  3. CNiall


    If you mean mediocre as in of average quality, I don't know; if you're using it in the wrong context and mean unimportant, no.
  4. CNiall


    Why do you have a splash page? If the style's called 'Dark Sky', why is the area outside it white / very light grey? I've also never seen any white clouds at night. :\
  5. CNiall

    My Bleach Site

    Looks like someone's a little sore at missing the joke. :V
  6. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    ...: I see your posts all the time for some reason, but I don't really know you--you seem nice enough, though.
  7. CNiall


    Injections--seeing people get them makes me feel ill, and the concept of having one myself terrifies me. :\
  8. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    #tcod: all of you generally seem to rock Vladimir Putin's LJ: your art is awesome as is your sense of humour. Your handwriting isn't, but the former two cancel that out. ZC: maybe not 80% but incredible levels of copy-paste in your posts. Also, Greeky Greek Greek. :( (although this has lightened...
  9. CNiall

    He passed his music theory exam! (just.)

    Most of that doesn't seem too bad but composing odamn. :|
  10. CNiall

    Wild CASTFORM fled the battle!

    Bye? (wasn't there a thread for this pre-wipe?)
  11. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    I wouldn't say so, but maybe I'm just odd. (also trademarking birthday and welcome what?)
  12. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    but his voice isn't notably deep? I mean, it's fairly deep but not especially. Not six-pipe deep, at any rate. :\
  13. CNiall

    What are your religious beliefs?

    Why did you expect that there wouldn't be many atheists? Anyway, Origin (who doesn't like the Ori?). Seriously, I'm an atheist.
  14. CNiall

    Read this. Right now. (Regarding You're/Your distinction)

    You're too lazy to type two more characters on your keyboard (see how I demonstrated my understanding)?
  15. CNiall

    He passed his music theory exam! (just.)

    Re: Well that was close Congratulations. Out of curiosity, what kind of content is on the grade five theory exam? Considering that I'm going to skip grade four bassoon and I need to have grade five theory to get a grade past five, I figure that it may be useful to know what kind of content...
  16. CNiall

    OMG! I passed!

    how does performance in a music exam determine ability in other fields...?
  17. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    Just look around your default programs; chances are the computer came with one and it should still be there if you've not removed it.
  18. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    Get a microphone or make a video of you speaking, get it on your computer with method of your choice and upload that somewhere or convert it to an audio file with program of your choice and upload it to wherever. (Computers don't have the ability to magically record your voice without a microphone)
  19. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose No, I haven't--sorry.
  20. CNiall

    What Games Are You Playing?

    C&C3 and Team Fortress 2 (well, the Orange Box in general but I haven't played the other Orange Box games in the past two weeks accordng to Steam) are the ones that immediately spring to mind; there's a bit of the Spore Creature Creator thrown in when I feel like it, too.
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