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Search results

  1. K

    In Progress Chilren Playing Pokemon (T rated)

    Ch 5 Darkness had fallen on the streets of Vancouver. The street lamps provided the only illumination. The silhouettes of bare deciduous trees forked and jagged into the dark blue, near-black sky. The windows of homes began to light up one by one. A lonely figure stood at an apartment window...
  2. K

    Fossil excavation site

    surksitty: Ironically, your next find on turn 6 is your previous find's pre-evolution - a Fossil Chinchou. Would you like to take your Fossil Chinchou, even though you have its fossil evolved form? Drage: Okay, if this helps: your previous turn was turn 9, and all of your 20 turns occurred in...
  3. K

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Dotto to "I'm a fruit person myself". Currently, for me, it's oranges (big proper oranges, not little satsumas or tangerines), because there's some really good ones in the shops right now. Usually the only ones I can find are really bland and dry, so I'm taking advantage of...
  4. K

    How do you write?

    Hahaha, I don't know why this made me lol. As for me... Usually from running scenarios through my head I will tend to write the ideas into a notepad on the computer. I won't include any actual dialogue unless I get a really good idea for something very specific I want a character to say...
  5. K

    Pal Park

    Whoops, are you addressing me rather than Emerald Espeon since those were my catches? Just checking it was a typo before I add my prizes to my PC. EDIT: Just saw Emeral Espeon's post. Thought so, hahaha. We all make that mistake sometimes, I think.
  6. K

    Pal Park

    I'll have a bluk, is that okay? Do I get to keep all pokemon?
  7. K

    Fossil excavation site

    Sorry about lateness, I have tried on two separate occasions to post but it wasn't working, forum errors. Here goes again. surskitty: A fish-like fossil emerges from your pain-staking and careful excavation, completely intact. A cast left from some kind of lobe on its head indicates that it was...
  8. K


    Same here, but no forum style changing. Got more frequent gradually over time, now I can barely post at all for it (sometimes page just never loads and I have to come back later).
  9. K

    In Progress Chilren Playing Pokemon (T rated)

    Sorry... Hunter? Rattata? I think you may be replying to the wrong fic, lol! Mine doesn't have either of those characters. Oh wait you mentioned pidgey/Gemma... she does talk in later chapters. I figured there would be a kind of transition period where she would still be getting used to being...
  10. K

    In Progress Chilren Playing Pokemon (T rated)

    Ch 4 Henry typed away on his laptop, rubbing his eyes every so often. His typing was intense and rapid. This wasn't just mere homework. He scrolled around with his USB mouse before commencing further rattling of the keyboard. On the screen were many tabs concerning paranormal activities and...
  11. K

    In Progress Chilren Playing Pokemon (T rated)

    Ch 3 The kitchen was quiet that morning. Henry snuck in, once again Peter and his mother were already eating. Deep in thought, Henry almost over-spilled the milk as he was pouring it into his cereal. Henry took a glance at everyone as he sat down at the table. Peter took a spoonful of his...
  12. K

    Fossil excavation site

    It's just decorative. Doesn't do anything. Squornshellous Beta: Okay, so your prizes this time (for your convenience) were: Soft sand, Fossil Lapras, Moon Stone, Fossil Relicanth. surskitty: Your prizes this time were: Fossil Spinarak, Fossil Magikarp, Fossil Pineco, Leaf stone surskitty...
  13. K

    The Bank

    surskitty bought a $4 excavation kit plus 20 turns worth $4 totalling $8 to me.
  14. K

    Sky City Caverns

    Ultra ball and if successful, go straight.
  15. K

    Pal Park

    Catch please.
  16. K

    Sky City Caverns

    When I first saw that I was like... HUH? What is that? Well, you can tell from that that I never played much of Gen IV besides Soul Silver! Ultra ball. I don't want to miss this one, it seems rare. If successful, stay a little longer and search.
  17. K

    The Bank

    Drage has bought a light rock pick for $2 plus 20 turns for $4 making it $6 to me. Link to post
  18. K

    Fossil excavation site

    Squornshellous Beta: You have just one more turn to take, and although the chances are very slim of finding anything, you luckily stumble across a fossilized relicanth. Will you take your Fossil Relicanth? Final turn. surskitty: On turn 17 you find nothing in the rock, but nestled amongst a...
  19. K

    Sky City Caverns

    I'll throw a normal pokeball and if successful, I'll move forward.
  20. K

    Pal Park

    Catch please.
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