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Search results

  1. K

    Welcome to the Safari Zone! (What You Need to Know)

    Is there really anything wrong with having unconventional fossils (such as of pokemon that aren't usually found as fossils)? There's someone telling me it's not allowed, but since it doesn't cost anything to revive them and you can make up your own items I didn't see anything wrong with it. Is...
  2. K

    Pal Park

    Catch please.
  3. K

    Fossil excavation site

    For safari zone areas you can make up your own items, right? So these fossils are made up for the area. Also there are references to fossils other than the ones you get in the games. Even if you never actually see them. For example, there are references to relicanth and magikarp fossils, even if...
  4. K

    Fossil excavation site

    Why is it a rule somewhere that a fossil can't be other than omanyte, kabuto, etc? Other than that, where does it say that the idea must be that the fossils are a little gimmicky part of the area? I can't even find much on fossils in the rules.
  5. K

    Pal Park

    I'll catch please.
  6. K

    Fossil excavation site

    In the games yeah but what's wrong with other pokemon having fossils too? You get living species of animal and almost identical fossil species.
  7. K

    Fossil excavation site

    Like a fossil omanyte would? Fossils can be revived at the evolution station.
  8. K

    Pal Park

    I'd like 6 pokeballs for the field area please.
  9. K

    Fossil excavation site

    Ok thanks for the clarification. :) Moving on... On turn 7 you find... nothing. On turn 8 you find... nothing etc. On turn 14 you find... the exoskeleton of a Fossil Skorupi! It's completely intact. Would you like to take it?
  10. K

    Fossil excavation site

    Hm, I figured that was per pokemon? Well, I'll up it a bit. Now it's 1/211.
  11. K

    Fossil excavation site

    On turn 1 you find... nothing. On turn 2 you find... nothing. On turn 3 you find a wild male Diglett diglett. Would you like to catch it? The odds of finding common/uncommon/rare/super rare are 12:6:3:1 respectively. The odds of finding a pokemon/item/fossil are 3:2:3 respectively. The...
  12. K

    The Bank

    Squornshellous Beta has bought an item and turns at my safari zone area totalling $8 (Fancy excavation kit $4 + 20 turns $4).
  13. K

    Fossil excavation site

    On turn 1 you find... nothing. On turn 2 you find... nothing. On turn 3 you find... a wild male Diglett diglett! Would you like to throw a pokeball at it? (continued after your reply)
  14. K

    Fossil excavation site

    (payed fee to open area) Over the way is a very large golden sandstone cliff, overlooking an expanse of sandy scrubland. You walk up to the little stall next to a cave in the sandstone cliff. It's nothing impressive - a rather scruffy looking table and an overhanging canopy of cloth to keep off...
  15. K

    The Bank

    I'd like to take out 30 from my account please (making it $80), so that I can make a new safari zone area. Thanks.
  16. K

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Dr.Robotnik's bosses... every single time. Too easy. Especially in the earlier Sonic games, ones that came out on Genesis/Mega Drive.
  17. K

    In Progress Chilren Playing Pokemon (T rated)

    Pew pew! I fire another chapter atchoo! Pew pew! Children Playing Pokemon Chapter 3 The kitchen was quiet that morning. Henry snuck in, once again Peter and his mother were already eating. Deep in thought, Henry almost over-spilled the milk as he was pouring it into his cereal. Henry took...
  18. K

    The Pokemon Academy

    Can I have a go at the grade 8 test please?
  19. K

    In Progress Chilren Playing Pokemon (T rated)

    Let's post another chapter, hm...? .... Children Playing Pokemon Chapter 2 Peter seemed to have a certain cheer about him that day right up until he got home. Nobody could really put their finger on it. His mother joked it was maybe the cheerios. But Peter knew it was something more. He'd...
  20. K

    Suggestions Planet textures

    I make planet textures, this is how I usually do it: I take a few real planet/moon textures and basically mix them up on photoshop, tweak them here and there (remove some craters, add some craters, change colour, etc) until it looks like something completely new and unique. I also have a few...
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