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Search results

  1. K

    Annoying header + forum search not working

    I was searching: "header" "annoying header" "header go away" (word go probably too short there) "introduction header" "introduce yourself header" And many more variants on those searches. All came up nothing. The header went away after I logged out and back in again. But something is still...
  2. K

    Descriptions of Pokemon?

    I have always found it important to consider the reader when writing a pokemon fanfiction. Sure, the likeliness of a reader who is a) on a pokemon forum and b) reading a pokemon fanfic are very low for them not knowing what, say, a nidoran is is very unlikely. Very very unlikely. But the...
  3. K

    The most "holy shit"-inducing comic you'll ever read

    Clever. I didn't enjoy reading it but I think that's the whole point. I actually don't think it's meant to be "comical".
  4. K

    Annoying header + forum search not working

    Hi, I clicked the "introduce yourself" link in the header and introduced myself, but it still hasn't gone away. Plus, the forum search doesn't work. It just keeps coming up "sorry - no matches" no matter how many times I try or what choice of words I use.
  5. K

    Hi guys

    How are you all? Hi.
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