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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Too many forums send you an arbitrary 'hai thanz 4 joinin' PM which I ignore, though, so I'm...

    Too many forums send you an arbitrary 'hai thanz 4 joinin' PM which I ignore, though, so I'm used to having an active notification I guess. xD
  2. CNiall

    Yeah; I have a habit of not noticing the notices (which defeats the purpose, true~) :D

    Yeah; I have a habit of not noticing the notices (which defeats the purpose, true~) :D
  3. CNiall

    I didn't notice this when you posted it, but hello!

    I didn't notice this when you posted it, but hello!
  4. CNiall


    This, mostly.
  5. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    Presumably by using a free translation or whatever (despite the fact that you have stated God knows how many times that you are learning Greek). I keep meaning to record my voice--hopefully I'll remember some time over this weekend. It caused my soul to burn and die.
  6. CNiall

    Now About Pancakes

    Re: Sad Attacks Script format (e.g. Person1: aren't we funny *person1 giggles* Person2: oh yes we are) unfunny (i.e. not funny) Pokémon things (i.e. related to Pokémon).
  7. CNiall

    What kind of weather is it where you are?

    ...that 'dot thingy' is the degree symbol (and I hope you haven't progressed past the equivalent of year six maths without knowing this) and you can pull it from the character map.
  8. CNiall

    In Progress Currently untitled - PG-13

    This. I always manage to refer to people as the wrong gender if it's not explicitly stated, and 'they' sounds much more polite than 'it'. Then again, I can refer to it as it if it would prefer that.
  9. CNiall

    In Progress Currently untitled - PG-13

    I think that they were trying to make a joke and are trying to say that if you change it for the worse (why you'd do that I have no idea) you can revert it to how it was before.
  10. CNiall

    do u watch televisions?

    I'm like goldenquagsire in that if there's a series that I particularly like airing (see: Doctor Who, Heroes) and I can watch it from the beginning, I'll watch it religiously, but aside from that and the news I'll just buy DVDs of the series I want to watch.
  11. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Charteon: I like you but we've not chatted in ages. :\ MD: I like your sense of humour. Espeon: I haven't talked to you very much, but you seem pretty decent. surskitty: seems pretty awesome. I have either don't know anything about a lot of the people that have posted in this thread or am...
  12. CNiall

    Post your voice.

    There are programs that can convert video files into audio files, you know.
  13. CNiall

    Violin vs Viola?

    I've yet to find a violin (no capital :() that doesn't sound squaky; it seems to be a quality of the instrument rather than the player.
  14. CNiall

    In Progress The Book of How the Universe was Created ((Title subject to change))

    What's wrong with telling somebody to check for typos...?
  15. CNiall

    In Progress Currently untitled - PG-13

    ...no? If the most recent chapters have no typos, why do the earlier ones? You seem to have convinced yourself that I dislike you in particular. I may be a pretty harsh critic (especially over typos which can be avoided), but it's nothing to do with you in particular. Christ, everyone seems to...
  16. CNiall

    What is your idea of the perfect Pokemon Game?

    Guess what, Vrai? Not everybody in the world celebrates Independence Day. 8D
  17. CNiall

    In Progress Currently untitled - PG-13

    Less recent chapters are still chapters; they haven't caused offence, but they're certainly irritating when you have the resources to quickly eliminate them. :|
  18. CNiall

    Epic Grades

    Do you mean first in terms of overall grades or something different entirely? I'm also curious to actually see these grades (i.e. give some percentages for subjects), but congratulations regardless. :D
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