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Search results

  1. Fer-Snazzle

    How Tall Are You?

    Hahaha I'm 6 foot 1. But most my my friends are 5 foot 4 and shorter...At fourteen years old...
  2. Fer-Snazzle

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Ralphy and Magnot. Yeah...stupid names...but I felt compelled to name them like that, so yeah.
  3. Fer-Snazzle

    Weirdest Sprite!

    seadra *lols*
  4. Fer-Snazzle

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Believe it or not, this was taken in the U.S.
  5. Fer-Snazzle


    I say, wear whatever you want on a whim every morning. I mean, really, experimenting with clothing is you. It's reflecting the more curious parts of you personality, but... I just think it's a good idea that you simply do whatever you want. Let people judge you -wtv.
  6. Fer-Snazzle

    Spamalot! =O

    Wow...That's like... *searches brain for analogy*...bad..........
  7. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Wouldn't that be flying? I mean...Pkmn use Gust with their wings...
  8. Fer-Snazzle


    Oh, ok. Thanks! ^^
  9. Fer-Snazzle


    *plays kazoo along with song* Heh heh heh *runs*
  10. Fer-Snazzle


    Can Mono cause death? I mean, can it alone kill you? Not a spleen rupture...
  11. Fer-Snazzle

    Sexual Orientation

    *retarded* :P
  12. Fer-Snazzle


    Hiii Kenesu!!! :D I'm 'unna eat you! <3 So yeah...Welcome to tCoD! Have fun!! ^-^
  13. Fer-Snazzle

    If you had three wishes...

    1.) Good Health 2.) $$$ 3.) World peace (yeah call me old-fashioned)
  14. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Then the universe would explode, leaving only the amazing pokemon: A Tropius, a Walrein, and 572 Whismur.
  15. Fer-Snazzle

    Should Spanish be a required course in American schools?

    Which is why I said "the majority of americans speak english" instead of "Our national language is english"...
  16. Fer-Snazzle

    Copied sprites have black backgrounds

    Ok, thx DT. Works perfectly and quickly. Eevee: *coughkindarudecough* Mmhmm Thanks all! ^^
  17. Fer-Snazzle

    Pandemic II flash game

    Re: itt madagascar is immune to disease lol I used a virus. People are catching the ugly disease. I mean, uglier disease >.> Anyway, I got Madagascar as a starting country too!!! :D I got distracted by the tv, and when I came back, I had over 200 evolution points! :D WOO7!!
  18. Fer-Snazzle

    Pandemic II flash game

    Re: itt madagascar is immune to disease Grr yeah Madagascar is seriously annoying. I've bought almost everything, yet the disease is barely lethal or infective. Wuddup wit dat!?! =P
  19. Fer-Snazzle

    Pandemic II flash game

    Re: itt madagascar is immune to disease This rocks! Hahahaha stupid Eastern Europs *kills*
  20. Fer-Snazzle

    Spamalot! =O

    I saw it once, and I've listened to the cd constantly since then! <D
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