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Search results

  1. Fer-Snazzle

    Spamalot! =O

    Have you seen Spamalot? <O
  2. Fer-Snazzle

    Spamalot! =O

    The good version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail :D
  3. Fer-Snazzle

    Should Spanish be a required course in American schools?

    Ok, so the majority of Americans speak english... And most - if not all - of the americans who only speak spanish are from South of The U.S. I think it's profoundly disrespectful to come to a country and not even bother learning the language there.
  4. Fer-Snazzle

    Spamalot! =O

    Have ya'll seen it?
  5. Fer-Snazzle

    How many of you want to go back to school?

    Yeah I do want to go to school. I wanted it ever since I got home from the last day, watched tv for five minutes, and got bored. Not to mention the fact that my friends are all on vacation, and my teachers I'll never see again. Nnever mmind the faact that i was the oonly one who wasz saad when...
  6. Fer-Snazzle

    Copied sprites have black backgrounds

    And if we didn't have any sort of GIMP whatever??? Yeah well thanks anyway >.<
  7. Fer-Snazzle

    Copied sprites have black backgrounds

    Oh Thanks. Either way I prefer the easy way when it's something as simple as this.
  8. Fer-Snazzle

    Copied sprites have black backgrounds

    Considering that I didn't understand a word Eevee said (:D), this worked perfectly! Thanks! ^^
  9. Fer-Snazzle

    Copied sprites have black backgrounds

    Hmm...thanks ^^
  10. Fer-Snazzle

    Copied sprites have black backgrounds

    Ok, both sprites in posts and from the sprite generator have black backgrounds when I copy them and repost them in "paint". Is there any way to get around this? Or anywhere I can get the sprites from that have white backgrounds?
  11. Fer-Snazzle

    Weirdest Sprite!

    whismur Yes it's a constipated midget bunny
  12. Fer-Snazzle

    Belgariad and Mallorean?

    Hmm. I've only read these two and whatever books go with them, but nothing else. I should! :D But I also think that Eddings is an awesome author. I'm not a big fan of fantasy books, but I'm - oh, idk - obsessed with them! <D
  13. Fer-Snazzle

    WALL-E: The Best Disney & Pixar yet?

    Omagosh that never clicked!! :D That's amazing!
  14. Fer-Snazzle


    Lol, I think it's perfectly ok. Why shouldn't it beh? <3
  15. Fer-Snazzle

    Belgariad and Mallorean?

    Anybody ever heard of them? Most of my friends haven't...?
  16. Fer-Snazzle

    Sexual Orientation

    Uhm, nooo I don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't pansexuality something like "having sex in many different ways" or something? Or does it have to do with "all human behavior is based on sex" or sumthin?? =o?
  17. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Well then >.< They should makes a new type called Amazing. Just, it pwns everything, and nothing effects it.
  18. Fer-Snazzle

    Auto-flush toilets

    YAY A RANT ABOUT TOILETS!!!!!!!!!! Lol I hate them too!!! They're expensive, pointless, and annoying -_-"
  19. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Sooo...why only in Gen 1?
  20. Fer-Snazzle

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    That's true, but emotions are scientific too, so why let them get in the way? *sigh*
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