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Search results

  1. Fer-Snazzle

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    LMFAO!!! XD That's awesome!!!! The only embarassing thing I can think of is that I used to think that dogs and cats were pokemon >.<
  2. Fer-Snazzle

    What's Your IQ?

    around 155-ish
  3. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    We should nuke Japan for this monstrosity!!! Or, you know, just nuke ourselves :D
  4. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Dang =/ That's really wierd. I'd always assumed that poison > bug. Well then yes. If I had to promote any type change, it'd be that >(
  5. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Are you sure it was a bug type pkmn? Maybe it was a bug/something else type. That might explain...
  6. Fer-Snazzle

    Cake vs Pie

    You cake people are crazy - and not in a good way! Pie = God = higher power = ruler of the universe = meaning of life. Simple as that. Mmhhmmmmmm... I eat cake!!! I don't eat pie. I worship it...
  7. Fer-Snazzle

    Sexual Orientation

    You are totally a homophobe >P All I'm saying is that in sexual thought, feelings, or even fantasies, I don't think that anybody just thinks seriously "Oh, gee, I'm horny but I don't want a boy or a girl, what to do? D: Oh wait yeah there's those other-sexed people! :D" And if that's true -...
  8. Fer-Snazzle

    Let's Complain or Show-off about Stuff

    AARGH!!! You fiend!!! I only semi-exhist!!! *complains about it to a wall*
  9. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Idk about water, but bug - yeah, that's an awesome idea =] It's not like that already? =/?
  10. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    That's the point though. I mean, they'll most likely never be needed, so why bother? If anybody thinks that it'd make the game more fun, then I think at least a tiny bit of consideration should be put into the subject. Are you suggesting that if a light or sound type were added, poison should...
  11. Fer-Snazzle

    Epic RP

    Hahaha what a nice surprise to come home and find two girls having an epic gangsta jedi battle in your living room? Same diff >.> Hahaha nice ya'll...
  12. Fer-Snazzle

    WALL-E: The Best Disney & Pixar yet?

    Lol Wall-E totally blew away every movie I've evereverever seen (except for maybe Fiddler on the Roof)!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was all leaning forward in my seat trying to to talk to the screen and crying when That was sooo incredibly sad =,[ But I really like how the movie had a real message. *sigh*...
  13. Fer-Snazzle

    Sexual Orientation

    But sexuality is mental on your part, and physical on your partner's part. Also, most people aren't intersexual, or wtv you call it. They exhist "outside of the box", and can't really be considered different sexes. After all, they are made up of both male and female...
  14. Fer-Snazzle

    Sexual Orientation

    Um, ok, so other than male and female, what is there? O-o
  15. Fer-Snazzle

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    You're looking at it from an emotional or social point of view. I'm looking at it from a "scientific" point of view, for lack of a better word.
  16. Fer-Snazzle

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Or, if you are grown up, what do you want to be now? Why?
  17. Fer-Snazzle

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    So, we eat every kind of meat except that which is easiest to find? :P There's no point in letting a dead person go to waste. It's like eating beef...just...not...
  18. Fer-Snazzle

    Let's Complain or Show-off about Stuff

    My mom was watching the Tyra Banks show and I had to watch it with her because I had nothing else to do!!! D:
  19. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    That's a good point. I can only think that light would be super-effective against dark...But otherwise, it doesn't connect with anything. Oh and with a wood type, yeah, it sounds a bit pointless, but I have a qestion =/ Wouldn't wood be to grass as Rock is to ground? Or ice is to water? Or...
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