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Search results

  1. Fer-Snazzle

    New Type

    Well isn't Psychic kind of the opposite of dark? I mean light is sometimes (at least in my book) accosiated with psychic types, and in the Eevee chain, they made Espion to oppose Umbreon O-o
  2. Fer-Snazzle

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    hahaha Yeah this guy from school <p Him making some strange sort of face Lol Sorry about the outfit...school musical being pirate-based and all... *cough* But yeah. He's the straightest guy I know...Which sucks for me T.T
  3. Fer-Snazzle

    Sexual Orientation

    lmao I am a flaming gay everywhere but school e.e
  4. Fer-Snazzle


    Yeah me too, then I got bored one day and thought "Hey gee I wonder what's up at tCoD!" So I came back and found out that everything went up in flames and evrybody lives inside of a fish... Yup... Guess you couldn't get along without meh! <D Lol ok sry I'm still wtfing at mahself for that... :P
  5. Fer-Snazzle

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    Re: Behind the Avatar Yeah. Two year old pic, that still looks exactly like me >_<" And me with my short hair...I'm the one in the back... e.e I no longer have glasses... :P And this is what I wish I looked like:
  6. Fer-Snazzle


    And what about the random snipers? Where'd they go? =o
  7. Fer-Snazzle


    *hugs back* <D Yay and Awesome song!!! YESSHHH
  8. Fer-Snazzle


    Yeah so I was already a mem here, but I haven't been on in forever and the "recover lost password" thingy didn't recognize my E-mail adress. I assume it was deleted. Ahh well. I guess a re-introduction is in order!! <D Yeah so hi people! None of you care anything about me, but I shall say stuff...
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