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Search results

  1. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Abyss was silent. His mind slowly taking in the information. His memories turned to every cryptic conversation he'd had with Deiros, every confusing comment he made, and every single plan that didn't seem right. "...Nothing." And even after all that. He came up with nothing. His eyes reflected...
  2. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Probably the Gallade, Luzetta doesn't blend in as well," Abyss responded, "She probably could though." He was actually rather placid right now, not moving in any threatening way towards their, uninvited guest.
  3. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    The Shattered Kingdom (The RP)

    "Voltaire doesn't keep very good tabs on the mountains to the north, we could go there and try to find a cave to hole up in." Eva suggested, tapping her heels on the floor quietly.
  4. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    The Shattered Kingdom (The RP)

    "I suppose we should find a safe place to wait out the storm, so to speak. At least until we get our thoughts together." Eva responded, thinking something entirely different the whole time. She'd really prefer to destroy any goons that got in her way, but she needed rest just like any other...
  5. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    I'm okay. How about you?

    I'm okay. How about you?
  6. Sweet Silver Nightmare


    so...you're answer?
  7. Sweet Silver Nightmare


    Is it alright if Thornpelt is Moontail's first friend? and perhaps later, mate?
  8. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Luzetta frowned, before sighing. "We'll figure it out." She said. ---------------------------------------------------------- Abyss brushed an invisible speck of dust after finishing off the last guard on his end. With a soft chuckle, he quickly went to the appointed meeting spot. "All clear."...
  9. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Deiros. Of course. Why?" Luzetta responded. She tilted her head, slowly realizing, "Not much was written in the file...but he must have known about this...Is he trying to do something?"
  10. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

  11. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Luzetta came to a stop next to Blade. "You're the tactition. So what's the plan?" She asked, her bright eyes scanning the surroundings.
  12. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

  13. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Abyss just chuckled, shaking his head as he watched her go. After a few seconds, he got serious, heading towards his side of the complex.
  14. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

  15. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

  16. Sweet Silver Nightmare


  17. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Glace vs Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Chill until you wake up. If you wake up this round, use Bug Buzz every turn afterwards Chill/Bug Buzz ~ Chill/Bug Buzz ~ Chill/Bug Buzz
  18. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "East. The Orb is in the West, so if I take out the eastern guards, the western won't have any backup should one of us be seen," Abyss responded blankly, as if he were discussing the weather with a friend, not a plan to steal a highly powerful object from a closely guarded facility.
  19. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

  20. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Abyss only laughed softly, the darkness making his eyes stand out even more than usual. With a smirk, he slid a pair of black sunglasses over his eyes (for stealth's sake). A few more inches of darkness, and he'd be totally invisible to the naked eye. Unless you were a dark type pokemon, of course.
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