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Search results

  1. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Yeah, it does seem to be the safest." Luzetta said.
  2. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Yeah," Luzetta sighed. She didn't feel right just leaving him there, but...
  3. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "No freakin' clue." Luzetta responded blankly.
  4. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

    Sigh, why not? Catch and buy two more Pokeballs. *gives 2$*
  5. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Y-you were watching?" Now Luzetta was even more flustered, as she looked at her watch, "Almost time for us to go. We're supposed to leave 15 minutes after Abyss and Dalilah, and I'm almost sure they've gone by now."
  6. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

    Still no.
  7. Sweet Silver Nightmare


  8. Sweet Silver Nightmare


    Name: Shiluna (Moontail) Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: (Shiny?) Ninetales Tribe: Fireclan Bio: She was originally a wanderer, and came across and was taken into Fireclan. She is disliked by most of the clan, but she tries to keep to herself so she isn't hurt. Description: She has intricate...
  9. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "A double bladed spoon? Tsk tsk. A little sadistic today, are we?" Abyss teased, snickering again, before he swept down the hallway, calling over his shoulder, "Well come on, girl wonder, we got to get going!"
  10. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

  11. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Abyss was silent at this comment. Then, something surprising happened. The Gengar morph smirked (almost a smile, actually) "Damn. And I thought I hid it SO well..." He snickered, "Observant, as usual." He murmured. Compliments. Abyss didn't give them often, and when he did, well...they were...
  12. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    It's almost been a week, and you haven't posted your commands...Is something happening?

    It's almost been a week, and you haven't posted your commands...Is something happening?
  13. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

    Maybe I'll have better luck in a different area...ignore and move to the Pond, please.
  14. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Stalking Luzetta? Why, exactly, would I be doing that?" Abyss's eyebrows rose into his hairline, that, combined with his odd colored eyes, made the sight quite comical to see. ---------- "Just a little" Luzetta admitted with a sigh, "I've failed you all, I still can't believe you trust me." Of...
  15. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

    If it were female, I'd say yes, but...no.
  16. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    The Shattered Kingdom (The RP)

    Eva sighed, flopping down on a piece of rubble that resembled a bench. She felt exhausted. Nothing like a few rounds of fighting Voltaire's goons to get a work out.
  17. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Oh..whoops. *goes off to find it*

    Oh..whoops. *goes off to find it*
  18. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Pal Park

    No. Already have one. It's just not male.
  19. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "No. I've merely been speaking with Deiros," Abyss responded, "I just returned to find you knocking on my door. I know about the mission, so you don't have to tell me." Abyss hid his emotions well, but his eyes sometimes gave him away. He was actually rather surprised that Dalilah had seeked him...
  20. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Abyss was actually standing behind Dalilah, hidden in the shadows in front of his room door. "I'm over here, Dalilah." He purred, rolling his eyes at her complete lack of attention.
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