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Search results

  1. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Felin sucked in a brief, reached for the traces of power floating in the air and seized hold of it. A barrier to light closed around Gladion, Jade and all the others. Felin breathed a huff, dashing towards Ria. "Allow me to keep you busy~" She said, lunging at her with a stab of her blade.
  2. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    "You sure you can handle em?" Felin whispered beside Mhynt, casting a subtle glance at Sol and sizing him up. "He's got the type advantage and fire also." She'd arrived with boots coated with silt and had caught up just on time to get the gist of events. "You can handle it," Felin concluded...
  3. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Felin bobbed her head up and down in a nod. "And if we hope to find her we best get to it soon. Wandering Light doesn't sound like a kind of mon to stay in one place too long, you know?" She'd skidded towards the tent tarps before Dave could give an answer, only sparing one more glance at Dave...
  4. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Felin had buckled her belt ready to follow those in pursuit, but her ears stood upright at Sierra's words and she stopped sharply, her boot leaving an arced trail on the ground. "The Wandering Light hmm? I was in Obstine Abbey just recently," Felin said, fixing her gaze on the lioness. "Don't...
  5. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Felin kept herself inconspicuous behind the group as though she were merely a shadow trailing behind everyone else. She'd be caught tapping her boot on the group or grooming her forearm often. As much as she disliked being in the background, there was no other role for her to play here. Her...
  6. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Felin tapped her boot on the ground in a slow rhythm. She was attentive to the others as they gave their views on the matter. She was more than willing to hear Halcon out, but she did have one thing on her mind. "Solving the problems with the demons in Blaguarro will only be a start. The...
  7. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Felin's paw tensed at the opportunity to explain that not all of them had been humans, but now did not feel like the best time for an 'uhm actually' so she let it slide. "Of course not. Only a fool would hear about your clan and not see that you move with honor as your virtues," Felin said...
  8. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Felin breathed a relieved sigh and clapped her paws together. "Sounds to me like there's still time then." She walked over the rail, lightly batting a paw against the metal. Her eyes drew to slits as she ran a few thoughts in her head. Felin shot Kimiko and Jade a glance. "The two gals over...
  9. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    "I love extreme gambles as much as the next mon, but couldn't the clan rethink this for just a moment?" Felin asked, seizing her opportunity to speak now that Pyrrin had opened up a little bit. "Destroying the rail and putting the whole town on lockdown will disrupt the lives of everymon in...
  10. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    The houndoom sure did have a sense of pride. Felin could get behind that. Seeing that he didn't respond to her previous remark, she switched lanes briefly. "We're not here to get in your way. Anyone would be curious when a stranger comes walking in. Wanted to know you weren't trouble and it...
  11. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Felin was out roaming the dusty outskirts when she caught a glimpse of a Houndoom she didn't recognize. Her whiskers twitched on her muzzle. She dropped off her perch and walked right up to him. They say curiosity killed the cat, but Felin had nine lives to work with. "Hey there. You're not a...
  12. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin crinkled her brow, but she didn't let too much amusement to blend into her features. She got back on her feet and cracked her neck, and she heaved a satisfied sigh. The Sprigatito leaned forward with a practiced bow, her cape draping off to the side. "This offer will stay open," she said...
  13. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "Only if you wanted to," she said, and she brandished him a smile. "Though I'd be glad to have you along, Nova."
  14. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin waved her paw around and laughed. "No, no, no. It's the name of a mon. Title, if you'd prefer." She reclined against the wooden frame of the bulletin board as she sat back. "The Wandering Light is a somewhat of a deity the Escarpa Clan revere." She suddenly leaned forward, eyes bursting...
  15. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "I see. Might prod her then," Felin muttered. She brought her paw by her chin, her mind taken by a stretch of deep thought. Shortly after, she remembered Nova was beside her. "Anyways, there is one more thing. Help me spread it to the others while you're at it." Felin turned to face him...
  16. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin's eyes went wide and she frowned at that revelation. "Someone from her world, you say? What are the odds? Did Betel bring him along prior to us?"
  17. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin aired a sigh. "False alarm. Shira hadn't gone missing, and I found her alive and well. She was not the void possessed Charmeleon."
  18. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin popped out of her pokeball right on cue. She reached down for it and destroyed it without a moment's hesitation. That done, she cleared her throat and adjusted her collar leaf. "You recall that a handful of our posse had an unfriendly encounter with a charmeleon, right?" She began. "The...
  19. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin clicked the heel of her boot on the ground. She briefly eyed Mewtwo before glancing back at Nova with a gaze that seemed to say, 'How much can we trust this guy to listen in?'
  20. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "Of course." Felin drew her sword, stood over the pokeball and skewered it. The ball slid down the length of her sword as she raised it upright. A flurry of leaves burst forth from her blade, ripping the ball apart. "It is done. No need to thank me."
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