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Search results

  1. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "I sure am indeed," Felin remarked with a chuckle. She dropped back to all fours and glanced around at the shop's interior. "Think you could help me with a cut?" Felin asked, paw held to her cheek. "These whisker's are distinguished, certainly, but they do make me look a bit too wild. It's...
  2. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street
    Threadmarks: Ch01 - What The Common Folk Think

    Only hours after fighting an oversized lokix and saving a wagon from certain doom, Felin devoted a portion of her evening to wandering the main street. Sonora's proposal was still fresh on her mind. Even if they shared the same species, Felin can't just tell what another cat is thinking just by...
  3. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    As the others left the square whether out of anger, fear, discomfort or disgust, Felin remained right where she was. She idly groomed her forearm to maintain the sheen of her fur. Finally, she looked up. "I worried it'd come to this. This is the kind of thing you have to do with folks you've...
  4. AdamArtDraws

    Offscreen Activities

    After leaving Nina's Place, Felin had gone on to do some digging. She visited other bars and less well off parts of town to hear what other mon have been saying about the upcoming gala, how they feel about the way it'll affect their town and she especially keeps an ear out for how the common...
  5. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin watched Sonora leave, chuckling as she faded from view. "I like her," she said to the others. Her gala ticket drew her eye and she gave it an intrigued look before sliding it into her cloak. "It's been fun having drinks with y'all, but I'll be heading off now." Felin hopped down her...
  6. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin eyed Sonara and held a single finger over the ticket in front of her, as if considering. Finally, she slid it towards herself. The message was clear. "Alright, count me in. I could use the stimulation," Felin said, mouth parting in a grin. It shrunk, and she cast a glance at her drinking...
  7. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin cupped her chin and heard Isidora out. Unlike her, she pulled her own invitation close to show intent. A small grin split her lips, and she kept some space between her and the ticket. She was interested, but hasn't been sold on board yet. "If there's one thing you and I agree on is that...
  8. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin eyed the gala tickets with eyes drawn to slits and the startings of a grin tugging at her lips. She had heard musings about the gala before, but hadn't shown much interest about. In the past she would have jumped at the chance for something like this, but what was the point without any...
  9. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "Come on, bash its head in before it fires again!" Felin called out, and she didn't wait for anything to fling a burst of leaves Lokix's face. Using that as a distraction, she slid between its legs and launched herself at its back with an electrified tackle. Felin gritted her teeth from the...
  10. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin continued to drum her fingers on the table, lost in thought. She felt troubled by the fact that the cloud had called both humans and pokemon alike for this job. It might have been purely arbitrary, though their words about receiving anyone willing to answer might've lent to that. Even so...
  11. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "Fear not, Nico. We'll bring this hopper down at the drop or a hat!" Felin boasted, even with fresh cuts all over her fur. She exchanged looks with her peers, silently thanked Koa for his howling cries, and she pounced with a flurry of attacks. Felin landed herself out of harm's way behind the...
  12. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin propped up her chin on her paw as she listened to Odette and Ridley speak, their words doing a spectacular job at tearing her pre-conceived notions of humans. By the time they were done, she'd already arrived at the conclusion that Ridley and Odette at least were human. At the very least...
  13. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin reclined on her chair again and rolled her eyes. "Sonora's not had the same experiences I've had, sure, but I know a mon of good taste when I see one. Aside from that, it would take an absolute moron of a god to call someone with a wicked heart to save a world."
  14. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin sat forward and shot the cleffa an incredulous look. She crinkled her nose at him and nearly frowned. "Aye, that's total rubbish. Humans are always heroes. Why else will they be called upon to save the world from monsters time and time again?"
  15. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Blades of wind flanked Felin's right, cutting into her fur with an almost metallic shing. She hissed and jumped, avoiding another wind blade aimed at her boot. Her right hip burned and she cursed under her breath, turning to assess the wound. Things will end with her in the infirmary again...
  16. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin bit the inside of her lip and stared with an almost dour expression at the bubbles still at the bottom of her glass. Friendships sometimes came at the cost of paths diverging. It was a sad truth. She shook off the expression and wore her smile back on like a mask she couldn't live...
  17. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Felin quirked a brow at Odette and wore a neutral face. The jig was up so soon? A shame. If she'd known she might've made a hefty bet with Kimiko for how long it'd take to spill. The thought certainly amused her. "Well dear, seems like the jig is up. Admittedly, it's hard to explain scores of...
  18. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "Aye, Koa. I was just thinking the same thing!" Felin padded forward, her back arched upward and her fangs out in the open as she hissed. Her fur prickled like a thousand needles across her body, making her appear bigger. Suddenly she pounced a pace forward and drew her eyes to slits as she...
  19. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Really? That's quite interesting," Felin responded. Being someone from a world presided only by pokemon, the word angel meant absolutely nothing to her. If anything she took it as little more than an interesting piece of trivia. It hadn't even occurred to her that Sonora might've been trying...
  20. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Felin watched Isidora rounding up the downed and twitching tarountula into the shade of the nearby shrubbery. Before she could comment on it, Ridley's howling voice sang through the air. What in Zeroara's bolt was that? The elektrike made sense, but she never fathomed the cleffa creature could...
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