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Search results

  1. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Clover's mood deflating like a punctured qwilfish took Felin by surprise. She hastily reached her green paw, patting Clover on her bolbous head in an awkward motion. After Clover's distressed words seeped into Felin's ears, she extended her arm, wrapped it around the ghost and pulled her close...
  2. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Something like Lick, Scary Face, Hypnosis, Nightmare... you know moves along those lines, don't you?" Felin asked, and she paused for a moment. "Not that I mean to stereotype. Just throwing out a guess there. Tricks are good to have in pocket, but you can always try more other moves if they'll...
  3. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "I'll be fine, Clover. Like I said, you don't have to worry about me." Felin smiled reassuringly and flicked her tail side to side. She began to walk out of the reception and gestured for Clover to follow. "I just need to pick a few jobs off that board to keep me busy while I heal back to my...
  4. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Felin regarded Clover with softened eyes. In all her years of adventure, she has heard similar lines of question from others she has met. She pondered how to respond, as their worlds were different. Most certainly their cultures would be too. She could admit that an accidental encounter with a...
  5. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Felin flicked an ear at the sound of the voice and glanced over her shoulder to see who it was. A spark of recognition shone in her eyes and she stopped walking to wave at the Shuppet. Though what the ghost said only got a snort out Felin, and she shook her head from side to side to quell any...
  6. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Splendidly, Shiron." She pushed to her feet in spite of the stinging of her wounds and the slight wince in her eyes. Her arms spread wide as if to reach the corners of the earth and she smiled brilliantly. "As long as you're with Felin Boots, you have no reason to fear!"
  7. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    His remark got another laugh out of Felin, and she made a showy gesture towards her tail in all its half singed glory. "Trust me, you don't want to bite off more than you can chew just yet. Better to lose tail fur than lose your head."
  8. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Ah, I like your spunk, Shrin," Felin said in amusement. "I'd partner up with you for a few jobs to show you the ropes, but alas I'm on forced leave. Annoying, right?" Despite that, her smile never faded at all. "Ah, what the heck. I'm coming with you anyway! There's no better teacher than...
  9. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    It wasn't really all that common, contrary to what Shiron might think. Felin's wounds came as a reward for taking a risk she wasn't prepared for, but she wouldn't say that. "Well, you've already been in this line of work already, haven't you?" Felin said with a hearty chuckle. "You said it...
  10. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Shiron, please..." Felin's eyes darkened, her voice grew solemn and she looked as if she was about to pour her heart outt o him. "RELAX!" She lifted the ruse with the spread of her arms. "I am Felin Boots! A few cuts and scratches aren't gonna put me down. Trust me, I've been through much...
  11. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Felin's pupils slowly dilated and a grin split her mouth wide. She flicked her paw and pointed straight at him. "If you were a part of some delving team then you better head up north to the bulletin board of mysteries." Her shoulders bucked with laughter. Shiron's question made her pause, and...
  12. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "That so. What are you good at then?" Felin asked, reaching over to lick at her bandage. She caught herself and shook her head. "Seems as good a place to start as any to me."
  13. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Felin lay in the corner of the reception area, her companions of mouse squeaks playing like stimulating music to her ears. At a glance one would quickly notice bandages wrapped around her chest, her left calf and a chunk of fur missing from her already short tail. One of her boots even had a...
  14. AdamArtDraws

    Offscreen Activities

    After a day or two, Felin seems to have acclimated to her current circumstance. Her daily routine involved getting up in the morning and heading off to the Bulletin Board to pick up new jobs. On each arrival, she makes sure to strike conversation with anyone she meets there and makes attempts to...
  15. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "That'd be amusing," Felin said with a snicker and meowed. "Just make sure I'm there to witness, and to take part."
  16. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin kicked her shin, and laughed while pointing her paw at Mhynt. Her laugh went on for about how long it took a slowpoke to take two steps forward. "Come now, don't give the rookie a heart attack. She's already having a Heartache!" Felin guffawed. She eased up on the laughter and threw...
  17. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    But Bellatrix hadn't been an afterthought at all, as Felin had already pounced and dropped beside the Zorua again with a grin. "Come now, Dungeons aren't something you avoid. They exist to be conquered!" Felin declared. She stepped back to give the fox some space and chuckled. "You can chase...
  18. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin held her stomach and cackled jovially. This Bellatrix thought Felin named herself? Few jokes she'd heard all her life had ever been funnier to her ears. She held none of it against her. Every world worked differently. In fact, everymon around her having a name still struck her as nothing...
  19. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Felin stopped short of snagging a request to flash the Snivy a very friendly smile. She jabbed the thumb of her paw at her chest proudly. "I'm called Felin Boots! Silver ranked solo delver extraordinaire!" she made little paw gestures as if performing an act. Then she settled down with a...
  20. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "Where do the job requests come from?" Felin asked. She hummed to herself and elaborated further. "Someone alive has to have a problem to solve and rewards to offer for anyone wanting to take a job. Even if this is a dungeon, which I doubt, it can't make requests out of thin air."
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