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Search results

  1. Hyozanryu

    What Pokemon would you, realistically, have?

    Location: Eastern Pennsylvania, in a valley area east of the Appalation mountains; I live in a small town surrounded by woodland, with several streams and a pond in the vicinity. Pokemon: Nincada -> Ninjask (Lv: 20+)/Shedinja (Lv: 35) x1- When I was little, there way always this one tree that...
  2. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 Well shaded and finely detailed. Very little wrong to be found.
  3. Hyozanryu

    Beat the Picture Above

  4. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Sonic Triple Trouble if you use up all your continues on the first boss. You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories if you can't figure out the card based battle system.
  5. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts if you can't figure out how to synthesize items/keyblades.
  6. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Pokemon Mystery Dungeon if you don't know how to fill your empty belly.
  7. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 4 if you can't figure out how to use substitute jutsu.
  8. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Spyro Dawn of the Dragons if you don't know how to switch breaths or fly.
  9. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Sonic the Hedgehog if you don't know what rings are for. You know you fail at Naruto: Clash of Ninja 3 if you can't even figure out how to run.
  10. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Super Smash brothers Brawl if you need to cheat in order to win over Wi-Fi You now you fail at Final Fantasy if you can't even reach the first boss.
  11. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Sonic Adventure 2 when you can't find the lost Chao. You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts if you hide in a tree the whole battle vs Riku on Destiny Islands.
  12. Hyozanryu

    ~Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club~

    This is a club for Sonic the Hedgehog fans of all realms of fandom, be it video gamers, anime lovers, or fanfiction writers. Notices: - Fan characters are allowed here (otherwise I'd be a hypocrite.) - Respect one another's characters/artworks. Constructive criticism is allowed however. - Don't...
  13. Hyozanryu

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Awsome looking Charizard. Did this for a contest on another forum. Theme was grass/water type. C & C?
  14. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at all Sonic games when you exceed 10 minutes on the first stage. You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days when you can't figure out how to use the panel system.
  15. Hyozanryu

    Kingdom Hearts

    I just ruined BBS for myself by reading a summery of the story, and both like and dislike what I've read. Finally we learned Saix's true name (Isa), and supposedly both Isa and Lea appear in the game. (Yay.) However what I hate is that you find out that And also, Is it just me, or are all the...
  16. Hyozanryu

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Spyro: A New Begining if you lose to the Stone Sentinel. You know you fail at Tales of the Abyss if you can't find Cheegle Woods. You know you fail at Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity (Wii) if you can't figure out how to swing Ulrich's sword.
  17. Hyozanryu

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? Poison-types tend to be pessimistic, but always within the boundaries of common sense. They can both be good with words and physical abilities. Pokémon Fan Test Results: You are a: * 40% Gamer. You have some interest in Pokémon gaming...
  18. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Username Above

    8/10 cool, but it reminds me of that european song about the black(bubonic) plague; Ring around the rosy A pocket full of posies Ashes ashes We all fall down
  19. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10, like before.
  20. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10. It looks, ... Unproportional.
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