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Search results

  1. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Well so much for taking cover... The chaos of battle just seemed to follow Corey no matter what corner of the arena he fled to, and the Samurott's strike hurt something fierce... Worse yet, Felin had been knocked down for the count. Now came a clear reality... without any additional help, there...
  2. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    The Golisopod's beckoning to strike nearly provoked Corey to do just that. He could see his defeat coming up fast, and Ibuki calling out his move like that just seemed to make it obvious that he likewise believed this would be a finishing blow. The frustration that so often seemed to come out...
  3. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "A truce, huh?" Corey had repeated Wes' offer, letting out a light chuckle in spite of however he may have felt at that exact moment... In all honesty, he wasn't entirely sure. Realities of a harsh truth regarding his behavior, worsened far more by his transformation into a ralts than anything...
  4. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    The battle had begun, and that meant one thing... 'Calm your rage... you fight with your mind, don't go losing it...' Corey thought to himself, doing his best to keep his focus as he approached his opponents. He knew his current arsenal wasn't the best for this trio, but he at least had a couple...
  5. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Corey turned to Archie and gave him a small but meaningful smile at his words. "I'm sure we're both equally grateful for that... I'll admit I've... never been the best at making friends... A few here or there but, I've always had trouble keeping most companionships like that alive for a long...
  6. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "Strange... You'd think a creature in that compromised state might be easier to control, at least for a temporary period... but I suppose if a Pokemon is beyond any lucidity, they have no way of choosing to obey or disobey whatsoever... Nonetheless this is all beyond me, like I said, this...
  7. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    This just seemed to aggravate Corey even more. "Fairer numbers? Oh, come off it with that bullshit... Fine, you want a fight so bad? We'll have a goddamn fight." At the very least he'd get a chance to try and shake off all this feeling of helpless frustration. He really hated this Bisharp...
  8. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "The kind that watched their best friend get killed from it, perhaps," Corey muttered. Oh, but right, here Pokemon didn't risk getting gravely injured so easily... like he ever would believe that. Pokemon had plenty of killing potential, especially those that hardly valued the lives of their...
  9. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    “So you can give us all matching bruises and broken bones? Then you can laugh about how disappointingly easy it was while the glorious Victini does a victory jig? Doesn’t seem too appealing if you want my honest opinion…” Corey eventually grumbled. Seems his attitude had taken a bit of a 180 the...
  10. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    ‘My heart fucking bleeds for you, you rusted old shitbag…’ Corey thought, and boy did he want to say it out loud but he just didn’t have the brass… He hated being a helpless weakling, both in this world and his own…
  11. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Corey glared at the approaching Bisharp. He was not happy at all with this guy, not in the slightest. There was no honor in the way he acted, harassing others less powerful than him... and now he was taking advantage of the fact that even the law itself couldn't stop him from doing what he...
  12. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    The sight of the Petilil arriving on the scene with a very conspicuous bruise, which, as she reported, was at the expense of this Kotetsu, seemed to strike a nerve in Corey. Beyond his bandaged face, his eyes glowed with intense anger, perhaps only a step below what he'd felt when he lashed out...
  13. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Corey pondered this new info for a bit. Seemed this was a fellow who'd traveled from afar and had a habit of getting in trouble with the law when it came to his antics, and these two were sent to retrieve him. That was their story at least, and to be fair, the stress coming from Kyoko seemed...
  14. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Well clearly he disturbed the peace somehow," Corey chimed in, still a slight distance off but close enough to be able to read the wanted poster. Slightly emboldened now that he chose to speak up, he closed the gap between himself and the group. "Seems like a somewhat low bounty though... I'm...
  15. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Feeling his strength finally returning to him in full, Corey was taking the opportunity to enjoy a brisk walk through town. The ralts expected to see the usual goings on, now that it appeared the community had settled back into a certain degree of normalcy... What he got instead was an...
  16. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Corey looked about ready to angrily retaliate, but Wes did something he hadn't expected... He apologized. Furthermore there was a potent sensation of what he could only describe as self-anger coming from the Rockruff, as if he was... upset with his behavior? Truly this was a more complicated...
  17. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    With a light snort, Corey woke back up, having not expected to drift off so heavily like that... Fortunately judging by how daylight seemed pretty much the same, it appeared he hadn't been asleep for that long at all. Shutting his eyes tightly as he readjusted to the light, when he opened them...
  18. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard
    Threadmarks: [Ch02] The Friend of My Friend is... [Corey, Archie, Wes]

    Hours of reading through small print eventually began to do a number on Corey's eyes, leaving him little choice but to take a break. He was tempted to just go back to his room, but it was beginning to feel stuffy in there after such prolonged durations... and frankly he could really use some...
  19. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    It was… pleasantly strange… Corey had heard that sort of encouragement from friends and family before, plenty of times even, but to hear it from a Pokémon he’d virtually just met, and one who was super dedicated in his own scientific pursuits, there was a uniquely genuine feeling to it. For...
  20. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Corey gave a quick chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders at the question. It wasn't that he didn't have an answer, but, the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if his dream would even seem noteworthy to someone with as grand ambitions as this Misdreavus. "Well I guess my dream is to...
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