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Search results

  1. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 why is your nation state region thing's flag have rainbows that makes no sense (Lapras: THOSE ARE NOT QUOTES. the center has song lyrics, the top is little...quips, say, describing my otps. Written by me. alright.)
  2. H

    Oh. .-. but why do you want to sit on it?

    Oh. .-. but why do you want to sit on it?
  3. H

    Wha-? oh. The mafia. Uhm, honestly, I don't have much to say...maybe you could use secret roles...

    Wha-? oh. The mafia. Uhm, honestly, I don't have much to say...maybe you could use secret roles instead? (might not work though) uhm. Don't really have much else to say.
  4. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    3/10 Lucario sprite right in the middle of two words why and you should listen D: there a different kinds of awesome in the world. in my sig. uhm.
  5. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    What how 5/10 actually in a double battle, depending on the move sets they could annoy the heck out of me so. uhm. Lapras and Lilligant may or may not be pwnage.
  6. H

    Answer A Question With A Question

    What branch of math?
  7. H

    okayokayokay @J@

    okayokayokay @J@
  8. H

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^lives in somewhere.
  9. H

    The silence game

    *walks in* *attempts to raise an eyebrow at what is happening and fails*
  10. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    (then which bit of music did you listen to...?) 4/10 What? Potato? All 30 of them. @J@
  11. H

    no I mean your username right now... bleh.

    no I mean your username right now... bleh.
  12. H

    Alrighty then, Ulqi. (bleh but I'm used to think of you as Winter now >J>)

    Alrighty then, Ulqi. (bleh but I'm used to think of you as Winter now >J>)
  13. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    10/10 i made art out of that. obviously i find it funny. ish.
  14. H

    Oh. .-. (but you're Winter now, not Ulqi)

    Oh. .-. (but you're Winter now, not Ulqi)
  15. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    What? Depressed? Why...? 9/10 REGULAR SHOW I WATCH THAT SOMETIMES
  16. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 Scrolls...various adoptables...tumblr... that Umbreon/Espeoj thing looks messed up. OJo
  17. H

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^really really hates usuk
  18. H

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes spoilers from the Internet. In goes a pair of shoes that look like rabbits.
  19. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    8/10 Noble-sounding quote. >gliscor is not a bug type. no.
  20. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    3/10 BUT IT'S NOT COMPLETE PWNAGE I mean they can get countered very easily...
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