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Search results

  1. H

    Rate the avatar above you

    3/10 I dislike Shiny Miltank. I dislike Miltanks in general. ._.
  2. H

    Rate the avatar above you

    It's a scarf. 6/10 It's beginning to bother me less and less.
  3. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    5/10 *cackles*
  4. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 so that's a nice looking Absol mhmmm.
  5. H

    Rate the avatar above you

    3/10 I really really dislike Miltank. Because of reasons involving Whitney.
  6. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    4/10 Moo. Moo moo?
  7. H

    Rate the avatar above you

    8.5/10 Looks kinda squished but HEY IT'S SWEDEN
  8. H

    Question for you Guys

    [[I find this thread extremely funny. I'm sorry.]] JustUseUltraton.
  9. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    2/10 One of the more generic usertitles...
  10. H

    Yet Another Association Game

  11. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    0/10 Ew.
  12. H

    JOY FOR YOU. :D ... What. Blubluhbluh... (I wrote a TurkeyxReader fic for someone and said that...

    JOY FOR YOU. :D ... What. Blubluhbluh... (I wrote a TurkeyxReader fic for someone and said that he had citrine eyes flecked with olive but look no I'm screwed) *cry* and thanks for the hug :3
  13. H


  14. H

    Rate the avatar above you

    9/10 Looks very nice/creepy/scary. ^J^'
  15. H

    I already found it and bookmarked it. :D wat. Wat. WAT WHAT WHAAAAAAT excuse me I just need to...

    I already found it and bookmarked it. :D wat. Wat. WAT WHAT WHAAAAAAT excuse me I just need to *go cry/rage over here*
  16. H

    frooost hai. sorry I haven't been on lately... (also I have a question. Does Turkey have yellow...

    frooost hai. sorry I haven't been on lately... (also I have a question. Does Turkey have yellow eyes or olive ones? D:)
  17. H

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Feeling good about myself. :D (new turkey fan right here. .-.)
  18. H

    Rate the User Title above you!

    9/10 What's the festival about? O:
  19. H

    Rate the Signature above you!

    4/10 Well, why shouldn't I press it?
  20. H

    You're Banned

    You're banned for having a signature that's completely randomized!
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