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Search results

  1. Athasan

    What's your favorite Fire Starter?

    Cyndaquil, definitely. Its whole evolution line is rather cute, and I have all these lovely memories of Cyndaquil and Quilava and Typhlosion. Lovely, adorable, funny memories.
  2. Athasan

    Oh no. Arceus is coming to the U.S

    Eh, it'll probably get to the news somehow and someone will say something about it, but I doubt that we'll hear anybody screaming about the Pokémon series fabricating a god and stuff like that.
  3. Athasan

    What's your favorite Grass Starter?

    I like both Treecko and Turtwig (Treecko for dragon-ness, Turtwig for ground-ness), but my favorite would have to be Chikorita. She's got my overall favorite evolution line of the lot--I like Meganium too, and Bayleef isn't too bad.
  4. Athasan

    What do you think of...

    I think they're neat to watch. What do you think of weddings?
  5. Athasan

    Best Pokemon Game Ever

    You don't have Pokémon Puzzle League on that list. How could you not have Pokémon Puzzle League on that list!? Pokémon Puzzle League was fun. I'm still not completely bored with it. It's definitely my favorite spin-off. As for the main games, my favorite would have to be Emerald because of the...
  6. Athasan

    What would your name have been had you been born the opposite gender?

    Joseph, most like. I would have been the sixth known Joseph in our family... if had been born a boy, of course.
  7. Athasan

    What's your real name?

    Re: The New Under the Nickname Natasha, although everyone I really know just calls me Tasha. It's such an uncommon name... I've never met anyone else who has it.
  8. Athasan

    Weirdest evolution

    Ah, yes. Remoraid to Octillery is rather weird, now that I think about it. But I'm not really finding anything else all that strange.... Most of the other evolutions seem to make sense, in their own little way. Maybe I find Gloom to Bellossom a bit odd too, but just not very much....
  9. Athasan

    How many level 100s do you have?

    I'm currently sitting at a total of three--those being my Blaziken, Walrein, and Rayquaza from Sapphire. Right now, I'm trying to get that total up to nine by getting my party in Pearl all up to level 100. Presently, they're all at level 80, and I'm going at a snail's pace. I also once had a...
  10. Athasan

    Favorite Pokemon?

    It's, ah, currently Froslass, but Sandslash and Sandshrew are extremely high up the list and always will be. Quagsire's up there too, along with Gastrodon and Swampert. The whole Spheal family is also pretty high, and the same with Cacturne. And Absol, yeah, Absol too. I also like all Ghost and...
  11. Athasan

    Favorite Type?

    Ghost and Ice--Ghost a bit more because it's spookiesh. Then Ice. I am also partial to Ground, Bug, Steel, and Dark.
  12. Athasan

    Um... Hello (Again)?

    I'm willing to bet that you don't really remember me, as I never really posted all that often, but I was on the forums before. I just didn't do much. I feel like... a wall or a rock or something like that. Something over to the side that doesn't participate often... I can't recall exactly what...
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