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Search results

  1. Togetic

    Grand Festival 2010

    I don't see why not. In.
  2. Togetic

    Brock vs. Togetic

    Coin Flip. kbye, I've stuff to do.
  3. Togetic

    Let's Play Pokemon Emerald! (Canceled due to computer failure)

    Re: Let's Play Pokemon Emerald! This. Do it. Nao
  4. Togetic

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    (Run down of what I believe is happening: RED: Scout is getting pwned by Pyro Demo isnt doing much Sniper is dead/camping Rest Im unsure BLU: Engie is camping Sniper is getting chased by Pyro Demo is sticky camping Pyro is chasing Scout. Rest Im unsure) Andrew backpedaled, the smell of...
  5. Togetic

    Brock vs. Togetic

    Last post for a while. GOGOGOGO MORE MAGMA STORM. NAO.
  6. Togetic

    Ohai dar

    Assuming you live up to your name, no, we won't be seeing you around. But yeah, welcome to TCoD, obligatory TeanCod, yadda yadda yadda, Yoda is real, and hes wel over 9000 etcetctec.
  7. Togetic

    Oh the gods. I only JUST realised what your avatar is. For some odd reason I've always though...

    Oh the gods. I only JUST realised what your avatar is. For some odd reason I've always though it was just a white-y background with red streaks in a pattern...
  8. Togetic

    The Absence Sheet

    ...And I'm flooded with assignments that will easily last me until about the 20th. Until then, I doubt I'll be on at all. I just have wayy too much to do.
  9. Togetic

    Brock vs. Togetic

    Alright, Ascalon, I want you to use the only move you know. Three times. Destroy the World x3
  10. Togetic

    The Challenge Board

    Okay, I'm almost certain that I still have one battle slot left, considering I only have two battles on and one awaiting ref (that hasn't been put onto the right list yet), so this is for Steele. 1v1 Single Style: Set...duh? DQ: One week Damage Cap: 99% Banned Moves: Look on any complete move...
  11. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    ASFASf, sorry for the late late late reffing guys. Also, no pre-round since they are completely redundant, often saying the same things, and I won't be doing them except maybe for more important rounds. Unless you guys want me to. So tell me what you think. kthx. thunder (xO) magnemite...
  12. Togetic

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    Whilst all this had been going on, the blinded BLU Sniper, Andrew, had been hidden behind a wall, listening. He'd been doing that a lot more often now, since the angel had improved his senses so much. Listening was such a fun thing to do. Its amazing how many secrets people reveal when they...
  13. Togetic


  14. Togetic

    NOM NOM. Yeah I'll get that challenge up asap. Otherwise known as when I can be bothered xD

    NOM NOM. Yeah I'll get that challenge up asap. Otherwise known as when I can be bothered xD
  15. Togetic

    Yeah, I know I'm wayyyy behind. I can probably get it done by the end of today (here anyway), or...

    Yeah, I know I'm wayyyy behind. I can probably get it done by the end of today (here anyway), or by tomorrow. Sorry for the delay and all =(
  16. Togetic

    Brock vs. Togetic

    Oh come on, Dark Void? Really?. Okay, we still got this. Here's the plan. The moment you're awake, log onto 4chan, and display /b/. That should destroy the minds of everyone in the vicinity.
  17. Togetic

    Sweeetttt. Whos is it?

    Sweeetttt. Whos is it?
  18. Togetic


  19. Togetic

    Let's Play Pokemon Emerald! (Canceled due to computer failure)

    Re: Let's Play Pokemon Emerald! TOGEPI TOGEPI TOGEPI. Yeah I know you can't get that. Get a Gulpin and call it Your Mom.
  20. Togetic

    That Magikarp is a prodigy. Using it's evolution's signature move. Cause in the anime Hyper Beam...

    That Magikarp is a prodigy. Using it's evolution's signature move. Cause in the anime Hyper Beam is all Gyarados ever uses.
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