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Search results

  1. Ferasquilee

    Blackout cammel with tomato sauce!

    Shoot, I was going to give you some tea and cod, but you don't want any... Anyway, welcome to the forums. Also! *Stalks*
  2. Ferasquilee

    Well, I told you, indirect help. You know, I traced your steps and saw what you did and got some...

    Well, I told you, indirect help. You know, I traced your steps and saw what you did and got some idea about how this forum worked, what you could do, etc. I got to the safari zone because of you, for example! Wow, that does make me sound like a stalker.
  3. Ferasquilee

    Yes, of couse I am your stalker! No, not really, but I'm (kinda) new at the forums, and you are...

    Yes, of couse I am your stalker! No, not really, but I'm (kinda) new at the forums, and you are one of the most helpful persons here, in my opinion. Indirect, of course.
  4. Ferasquilee

    Fuse Feraligatr with Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan and Cyndaquil and you have... Me!

    Japp, kul att inte vara den enda. No, since this is an introduction, it wouldn't. And, I'm not that insane all the time, just felt like it at the time.
  5. Ferasquilee

    Funny Moments at School V2

    Coincidence, anyone? (Not the same class obviously, age difference, but same school at least?)
  6. Ferasquilee

    *sigh* So many May birthdays... BUT IM ONE OF THEM!

    You SURE!? :unsure: Blackthorne just drew them for yew! IT'S GOOD YOU GOT A GIFT~ I'LL OPEN A TIME RIFT~ AND THEN YOU WILL BE FORTY~ THEN YOU'LL NEED A FACELIFT~ Woohoo. Happy birthday! :grin:
  7. Ferasquilee

    Fuse Feraligatr with Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan and Cyndaquil and you have... Me!

    *Catches* Should I really taste? To taste or not to taste... ah, to heck with it. OM YOM YOM!!!
  8. Ferasquilee

    Fuse Feraligatr with Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan and Cyndaquil and you have... Me!

    Umm... Yeah... Rules? Dammit, I'll be back! D:< :grin:
  9. Ferasquilee

    Hexagonal Paths

    Okay. Now I'm all set, and I'd like to go to Sparkling River with Zak Marine and my Squirtle, Sash. He can learn surf, and also the extra balls, please.
  10. Ferasquilee

    Your PC

    FERASQUILEE'S PC Squirtle "Sash" Male Starter Remoraid Female Pal park Wailmer Female Pal park Corsola Male Pal park Qwilfish Male Pal park Shellder Female Pal park Kingdra Female Pal park Kecleon Male Pal Park Kricketune Female Pal Park Natu Male Pal Park Magby Female Pal...
  11. Ferasquilee

    The Bank

    I'd like an account and the starter Squirtle, please!
  12. Ferasquilee

    Hexagonal Paths

    Oh, I thought I did that. Sorry, I'll go do that in a sec.
  13. Ferasquilee

    Requests Closed :o *gasp* MEWTWO CAN DRAW DECENTLY

    Oh, then please tell me when a spot is open.
  14. Ferasquilee

    Fuse Feraligatr with Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan and Cyndaquil and you have... Me!

    Yeah, but you're two blue molluscs with shells and giant eyes, so... Oh, nooooo! I thought the world had enough of that already! :sweatdrop:
  15. Ferasquilee

    Hexagonal Paths

    I'd like to go to Sparkling River with Zak Marine and my trusty Wailmer, Sash (Note that he is a water pokémon, so surf). Also, the 3 extra balls!
  16. Ferasquilee

    Requests Closed :o *gasp* MEWTWO CAN DRAW DECENTLY

    If I'm right, then you still have one spot left, so I'd like a Smoochum in stereotypical sunglasses and falling/tumbling through the air. Does it sound strange? It probably does. Just tell me if you can't do it :sweatdrop:. EDIT: Oh, and colour, please. EDIT AGAIN: Aaand, flailing arms.
  17. Ferasquilee

    Fuse Feraligatr with Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan and Cyndaquil and you have... Me!

    Tea with cod shoud be a lie. TCaKE - The Cake and Kingdra Election.
  18. Ferasquilee

    Black & White

    Exactly how I think, too. I'll be getting White, especially if there's an Ice-type legendary.
  19. Ferasquilee

    Fuse Feraligatr with Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan and Cyndaquil and you have... Me!

    Hi! I am a guy from Sweden, and I found TCoD just yesterday. I thought it was one of the best Pokémon-related sites out there, so I decided to register in the forums! You'll see more of me, I promise! :grin: EDIT: Well, the "Notices" header won't die. EDIT AGAIN: Oh yes, I stabbed it a few...
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