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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you

    Yes. Very yes.

    Yes. Very yes.
  2. guy standing behind you

    Yep. I don't even have Minecraft to distract me anymore. My computer now doesn't support it. But...

    Yep. I don't even have Minecraft to distract me anymore. My computer now doesn't support it. But Legend of Zelda: Skyward sword may take its place. I'm going to try to force myself, though.
  3. guy standing behind you

    Dar! 'tis new year, and I look to give myself a kick in the rear and get active. Penguin's going...

    Dar! 'tis new year, and I look to give myself a kick in the rear and get active. Penguin's going to help me by bothering me.
  4. guy standing behind you

    Useless Facts

    99.9% of people can't lick their elbow, but 67% of people who read this will try, and 82% of them will be male.
  5. guy standing behind you

    Rate the User Title above you!

    That joke. One of the saxophones in marching band had a sticker with that on their case. I had to see it every day. It made me MAD! FURIOUS! SICK WITH ANGER! ...10/10. Good job ticking me off. I needed a good rant. Thanks.
  6. guy standing behind you

    Rate the User Title above you!

    What is that a reference to? It's going to annoy all year. ...9/10
  7. guy standing behind you

    *does a happy dance*

    *does a happy dance*
  8. guy standing behind you


  9. guy standing behind you

    YAY! I also switched over to a new computer that won't support Minecraft, so that's a...

    YAY! I also switched over to a new computer that won't support Minecraft, so that's a distraction gone.
  10. guy standing behind you

    Ulqi! I'm gonna try to get active again. And what hppened to your Jeff the Killer avatar. I...

    Ulqi! I'm gonna try to get active again. And what hppened to your Jeff the Killer avatar. I liked that one, although slenderman is okay too.
  11. guy standing behind you

    PENGUIN! I HAVE FREE TIME NOW! I'm gonna try to get active again.

    PENGUIN! I HAVE FREE TIME NOW! I'm gonna try to get active again.
  12. guy standing behind you

    Dar! I'm going to try to get active again!

    Dar! I'm going to try to get active again!
  13. guy standing behind you

    Oh. Well, I've never seen it before. And the "D:" face made it look like it was a system notice.

    Oh. Well, I've never seen it before. And the "D:" face made it look like it was a system notice.
  14. guy standing behind you

    Hello Dar. My schedule has been as restrictive as usual, bu I finally found time to get on the...

    Hello Dar. My schedule has been as restrictive as usual, bu I finally found time to get on the computer. God, I can't wait till marching band is done. Any Idea what happened to Richie? Or why I have a notice at the top of my screen reading: "Where have you been for the past two weeks...
  15. guy standing behind you

    Finally got up a new Roxio chapter.

    Finally got up a new Roxio chapter.
  16. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    New chapter! More explained on Roxio's end, nothing about the boy and girl. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ The boy pressed the button twice, starting another recording. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-0:9--0,2|| Project RoX13.Io93 Electronic Memorandum via:PR-DOX.IC Another of these, I guess. After I killed three...
  17. guy standing behind you

    Alright. I'm really busy though, so I don't know when I'll have a chance to do it. I think I'll...

    Alright. I'm really busy though, so I don't know when I'll have a chance to do it. I think I'll have time this weekend. Also, what color?
  18. guy standing behind you

    Hey, If you want me to make that sprite you asked for, I'm gonna need a link to the BW2 trainer...

    Hey, If you want me to make that sprite you asked for, I'm gonna need a link to the BW2 trainer sprite. I can't find a good one. And what color do you want it to be?
  19. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    You're supposed to understand, but later. Sorry I haven't gotten more up, I've been away. I write another chapter as soon as I can.
  20. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    The roleplay is quite related to the story, actually. The are subtle reference to Fish Jumpers in there.
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