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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you

    I don't know if you noticed, but Richie left Fish Jumpers (and possibly TCoD) after someone...

    I don't know if you noticed, but Richie left Fish Jumpers (and possibly TCoD) after someone vandalized FJ wiki. The only place I can think to send her a message is Goat City.
  2. guy standing behind you

    I'm not GIR. I'm just in the body of GIR.

    I'm not GIR. I'm just in the body of GIR.
  3. guy standing behind you

    Yes. I know. But posting a request here is pointless, and it should be posted in the shop. I saw...

    Yes. I know. But posting a request here is pointless, and it should be posted in the shop. I saw that you actually did post in the shop, and sent you the egg. Have fun with it. It should hatch in a few days.
  4. guy standing behind you

    This not be the place to request things.

    This not be the place to request things.
  5. guy standing behind you

    If you had read the discussion correctly, you would notice that the old shop shut down, and a...

    If you had read the discussion correctly, you would notice that the old shop shut down, and a new one was open. You have not lost any fi$h, but you will not be able to get a venonat. We do have a variety of other cool eggs in the new shop.
  6. guy standing behind you


  7. guy standing behind you

    If you have any ideas or sprites for adoptables, PM me please.

    If you have any ideas or sprites for adoptables, PM me please.
  8. guy standing behind you

    Okay. They be released.

    Okay. They be released.
  9. guy standing behind you

    You can keep your adoptables, but the ponies have to go.

    You can keep your adoptables, but the ponies have to go.
  10. guy standing behind you

    Could you possibly help with custom sprite adoptables for FJ.

    Could you possibly help with custom sprite adoptables for FJ.
  11. guy standing behind you

    It's not in your sig. It has to be in your sig to grow and stuff.

    It's not in your sig. It has to be in your sig to grow and stuff.
  12. guy standing behind you

    It doesn't have to be ice and water. That just makes it more likely. And you don't have it in...

    It doesn't have to be ice and water. That just makes it more likely. And you don't have it in your sig anyways.
  13. guy standing behind you


  14. guy standing behind you

    there is a small bit to the side that says "True Random Number Generator". You type your info in...

    there is a small bit to the side that says "True Random Number Generator". You type your info in there.
  15. guy standing behind you

    It might be a seel. Or a shellder.

    It might be a seel. Or a shellder.
  16. guy standing behind you

    We'll see. I might make it not a lapras just because you want one. I'm evil that way.

    We'll see. I might make it not a lapras just because you want one. I'm evil that way.
  17. guy standing behind you


  18. guy standing behind you

    I have made a new adoptables shop.

    I have made a new adoptables shop.
  19. guy standing behind you

    You also have a Dubstep Treecko adoptable.

    You also have a Dubstep Treecko adoptable.
  20. guy standing behind you

    I already sent your code.

    I already sent your code.
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