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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you

    It's posted.

    It's posted.
  2. guy standing behind you

    Okay. I'm writing code for a new adoptable shop now.

    Okay. I'm writing code for a new adoptable shop now.
  3. guy standing behind you

    Which one?

    Which one?
  4. guy standing behind you

    [IMG] [IMG] Adoptables Rplacements. Shiny Caterpie and an Old-timey Venonat. Code...

    [IMG] [IMG] Adoptables Rplacements. Shiny Caterpie and an Old-timey Venonat. Code: http://www.serebii.net/Pictures/048.gif -Venonat http://www.serebii.net/Shiny/HGSS/010.png -Caterpie
  5. guy standing behind you

    Whatever you want.

    Whatever you want.
  6. guy standing behind you

    The chikorita is Chikorita and the Pichu is [IMG]

    The chikorita is Chikorita and the Pichu is [IMG]
  7. guy standing behind you

    [IMG] Your Adoptable replacement.

    [IMG] Your Adoptable replacement.
  8. guy standing behind you

    New adoptables: Chikorita[IMG] A baby Chikorita and a Spiky ear pichu!

    New adoptables: Chikorita[IMG] A baby Chikorita and a Spiky ear pichu!
  9. guy standing behind you

    I actually just registered for an account on pokéfarm under the name of Lord Kavon (a Fish...

    I actually just registered for an account on pokéfarm under the name of Lord Kavon (a Fish Jumpers reference). I had a GPX+ account a little while ago but I got bored with it. I hope pokéfarm is much better.
  10. guy standing behind you

    Go here.

    Go here.
  11. guy standing behind you

    It's a venonat pony.

    It's a venonat pony.
  12. guy standing behind you

    My mistake. It's fixed now.

    My mistake. It's fixed now.
  13. guy standing behind you

    Just so you know, a [Random] tag inside of another doesn't work.

    Just so you know, a [Random] tag inside of another doesn't work.
  14. guy standing behind you

    Penguin, I need you to take the pony egg out of your sig and post in the Adoptables recall so I...

    Penguin, I need you to take the pony egg out of your sig and post in the Adoptables recall so I remember to get you a replacement.
  15. guy standing behind you

    LL, your sig has a bunch of broken code.

    LL, your sig has a bunch of broken code.
  16. guy standing behind you

    It's not dealt with completely yet, but I'm working on it.

    It's not dealt with completely yet, but I'm working on it.
  17. guy standing behind you

    I can take care of the bank. Thanks again.

    I can take care of the bank. Thanks again.
  18. guy standing behind you

    Dar, I need you to take the pony eggs out of your sig and post in the Adoptables Recall in FJ so...

    Dar, I need you to take the pony eggs out of your sig and post in the Adoptables Recall in FJ so you can get replacements.
  19. guy standing behind you

    Electric, I'm gonna need you to take the eggs out of your sig. Post in the Adoptables Recall in...

    Electric, I'm gonna need you to take the eggs out of your sig. Post in the Adoptables Recall in FJ so you get replacements.
  20. guy standing behind you

    Will you still be running the Fi$h bank? I'll go and either VM people or post a discussion about...

    Will you still be running the Fi$h bank? I'll go and either VM people or post a discussion about removing custom sprite adoptables. I also noticed the is a broken link in your sig.
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