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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    Bank of TCoD

    $0 + $3 = (unsurprisingly enough) $3.
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    blazheirio889 vs. Zangviper

    The active squads are as follows: blazheirio889: [Eledancia] Gardevoir (F) <Trace> [Lutchrium] Swablu (M) <Natural Cure> [Sceratio] Trapinch (M) <Arena Trap> [Yukianesa] Froslass (F) <Snow Cloak> [Khionas] Seel (F) <Hydration> [Ua] Skelitten (M) <Pressure> [Phalanx] Cradily (M) <Suction Cups>...
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take blazheirio889 vs. Zangviper, up in a little bit. Pray that I don't screw it up somehow.
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Absence Sheet

    Back now, and with a ref approval under my belt I will proceed to try not to screw up aid the ASB community as best as I can!
  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Also catch. It's not Toxicroak, but it'll do.
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    How do you say "yes" in English? Oh yeah, YES. (Catch) (Lo!)
  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Capture and then go Rare hunting (CACTURNE AND DRAGONITE GET~)
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Mawile: Female Nosepass appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Happiny(F), Linoone(M), Smeargle(F), Dunsparce(M), Mime Jr.(M), Shuppet(F), 3 Safari Balls Ruffledfeathers: Male Lombre appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), Furret(M), Mr. Mime(M), Porygon(X), 1 Safari Ball...
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    When I try to say it, I seem to slip into a fake British accent ala Monty Python. Catch. (Or, in other words, Lo! As part of my journey into lands beyond, I shall capture this Elekid as a companion and asset in my trek to the great unknown!)
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Ermmmm...Lo! I shall decline to catch this magnificent Rhyhorn, and shall thusly...oh, I can't do it, ignore.
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Happiny appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Happiny(F), Linoone(M), Smeargle(F), Dunsparce(M), Mime Jr.(M), Shuppet(F), 3 Safari Balls
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Ignore. (It's official: There is no interesting way to decline catching a Pokemon)
  13. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Shuppet appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Happiny(F), Linoone(M), Smeargle(F), Dunsparce(M), Mime Jr.(M), 4 Safari Balls
  14. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

  15. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Misdreavus appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), Furret(M), Mr. Mime(M), Porygon(X), 1 Safari Ball
  16. Captain Sea Turtle

    The servant headquarters

    I'd like an unevolved go at cages 1 and 2, please.
  17. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Mawile: Male Hitmonlee appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Happiny(F), Linoone(M), Smeargle(F), Dunsparce(M), Mime Jr.(M), 4 Safari Balls Ruffledfeathers: Male Zigzagoon appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), Furret(M), Mr. Mime(M), Porygon(X), 1 Safari Ball
  18. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

  19. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

  20. Captain Sea Turtle

    D/P/Pt God, it's been too long since I last posted here... (Shoddy)

    Your team has some problems with BulkyDD Gyarados, as nothing except rocks and Rotom's TBolt are super effective, and it can come in on a resisted attack from ANYONE (even Rotom if Rotom's at low enough health) and either kill it straight off or DD on the switch. You might want to consider...
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