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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    Steam Canyon

    Um, of course? Take it and keep hunting.
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Glameow appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), Furret(M), 3 Safari Balls
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    Steam Canyon

    Sure, I'll take it.
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm Catch, please.
  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Lombre appeared! (Wow, the RNG sure likes the Lotad line.) Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), Vaporeon(M), Lotad(F), 2 Safari Balls
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    Steam Canyon

    I'll go for a full session in the caves with my Lotad, El Presidente. So here's $8 for you...
  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm I'd like to head to the black door, please. Here's $6~
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Love Tester

    Love, you say, hmm?? I'll go twice, please.
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Mawile Female Lotad appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), Vaporeon(M), 3 Safari Balls Ruffledfeathers Male Furret appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), 4 Safari Balls
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Vaporeon appeared! Catch/Ignore? (Lucky little) Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), 4 Safari Balls
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Crawdaunt appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), 5 Safari Balls
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Corphish appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), 5 Safari Balls
  13. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    $6 from Mawile, please and thank you.
  14. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Ruffledfeathers Female Grimer appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), 4 Safari Balls Mawile *DRUMROLL PLEASE...* Your roulette spin landed on... ...ONE-TYPE RUN Ooh, ouch. Better luck next spin, but press onward and fear not! Male Lotad appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current...
  15. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Ruffledfeathers Female Chansey appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), 5 Safari Balls Flora and Ashes Congratulations! Arms filled with Pokeballs, you walk out carrying LombreGlameowSnubbullAbraDrifloonMisdreavusMothimProbopassGrimer Come again! *DISCLAIMER: The Safari Roulette does...
  16. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Skarmory appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), 5 Safari Balls
  17. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Absol appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: 6 Safari Balls
  18. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    $8 from Ruffledfeathers.
  19. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Flora and Ashes Male Grimer appeared, holding some...half-eaten food....Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, Misdreavus(F), Mothim(M), Probopass(M), 1 Safari Ball Ruffledfeathers It's not one species of Pokemon, it's one type (eg...
  20. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Hate Machine

    Hate...machine? Sign me up!
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