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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Flora and Ashes Female Nosepass appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, Misdreavus(F), 3 Safari Balls Ralts Burmy-ground watches with disdain as you move back into the building to spin again. *DRUMROLL PLEASE...* Your...
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female (durr) Jynx appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, Misdreavus(F), 3 Safari Balls
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Stunky appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, Misdreavus(F), 3 Safari Balls
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    I've run out of vaguely-RP things to say right now. Female mrmime appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, Misdreavus(F), 3 Safari Balls
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Reunited at last! Meanwhile in the real world, a male Persian walks by, "accidentally" clawing your foot. Catch/Ignore/Beat to death? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, Misdreavus(F), 3 Safari Balls
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Five down, four to go. A female Misdreavus is wailing off in the distance, looking for her friend Drifloon. Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra(M), Drifloon(M), Oran Berry, 4 Safari Balls
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Sure, why not. Go, Pokeball! *over-the-top anime pose*
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Four down, five to go. A male Drifloon floats down to you and starts to roost in your hair. It's holding an Oran Berry. Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), Abra (M), 5 Safari Balls
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Challenge Board

    Accepting. Profile
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    $6 from Ralts (officially, I'm pretty sure this is also part of the $12 already mentioned)
  13. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Battle Frontier

    I'd like one Pokemon from the Factory and one from the Pyramid, so have $5, I guess.
  14. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

  15. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Flora and Ashes The Mime Jr waves at you as you walk away, and you duck around a few trees to find a male Abra that immediately teleports a few feet away. It's still in capture range, however. Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), 6 Safari Balls Ralts *DRUMROLL...
  16. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    You decide this time to venture out into the forest away from the lights and noise to find more Pokemon, and are greeted by a male MimeJr who is lurking at the edge of the tree. It appears as though it wants to go to the lights, but something is stopping it...Catch/Ignore? Current Party...
  17. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    The Snubbull is relieved as she disappears in a flash of red light (because roulette lights cause seizures, but Pokeballs don't!) Err-hem. Anyway, you come across a female Koffing hovering by the side of the building. Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), Snubbull(F), 6 Safari Balls
  18. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Stop being ignorant. It's not a very good color on you~ Moving along...A female Snubbull is staring at you from inside the building, squinting through the glare of flashy lights that the roulette has. Catch/Ignore (and give the poor thing a seizure)? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), 7...
  19. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    After nearly suffering from a concussion, you run back towards the building to find a female Glameow looking at you with contempt. Possibly a buddy of the other one...Catch/Ignore? (seriously, the RNG gods hate you right now) Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), 7 Safari Balls
  20. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    It actually isn't, I've played an Animal Crossing Game maybe twice in my life. It's named after my pet turtle, scarily enough >_< Ignore.
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