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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Moving deeper on in to the forest, you nearly have a heart attack when a male Burmy falls out of a tree and lands a few inches from your foot. Catch/Ignore/Squish? Current Party: Lombre(F), Glameow(F), 7 Safari Balls
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    I can't help it if the RNG gods love me. I just let it be. And what do you mean, bribing? *drops $100* ummm...I can explain... In the meantime, catch it.
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    That was a scarily quick post. I hereby accuse you of thread stalkery, despite being kinda flattered ~.~ Anyway, with a somewhat grudging Glameow added to your collection, you notice a male Ralts who is sensing your joy and skipping out into the clearing (or, it's trying to skip, which is...
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    You circle around to the back of the main building, and hear something walking slowly in the grass. Further observation reveals it to be a female Glameow who mewls loudly and assumes a defensive posture at your arrival. Catch/Ignore/bleed to death? Current Party: Lombre(F), 8 Safari Balls
  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Smoochum in hand, you proceed to exit the building in earnest, locking gaze with a female Poochyena who, upon seeing you, pauses the staring contest to chase its own tail. Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Smoochum(F), 5 Safari Balls
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    OMG YES CATCH NAO And then to the field, please.
  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Ignore it. Sorry, Seel, you're not a Qwilfish or a Relicanth.
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    $6 from Flora and Ashes, please and thank you.
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    The Lombre simply shrugs as it disappears into the Safari Ball. Moving around to the edge of the main building, a Voltorb is sitting on a half-demolished slab of concrete, eyeing you shiftily. Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lombre(F), 8 Safari Balls
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    *DRUMROLL PLEASE...* Your roulette spin landed on... ...EXTRA SAFARI BALLS GRANTED Congratulations! With 9 Safari Balls in hand, you head outside into the half-forest, half-industrial complex that makes up the roulette. A very shy, female Lombre is sitting by the base of a tree, looking...
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    It means you can eliminate one of the roulette options, increasing your chances of getting your pick. *DRUMROLL PLEASE......* The roulette spin landed on... ...SHINY POKEMON CHANCE INCREASE Congratulations! With that in mind, you head outside of the building, nearly tripping on a Smoochum...
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Catch and then to the Sea.
  13. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    WELCOME TO THE SAFARI ROULETTE! Well-known fact: The Sinnoh Battle Frontier goes of in wild new directions from its Hoenn predecessor, boldly challenging a Trainer's analytical thinking (and Pokemons' strength) like never before. Slightly less well known fact: The Battle Roulette is undeniably...
  14. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    I'd like to withdraw $30 and go make a Safari Zone area. EDIT: First customer makes me $6 richer, yep yep.
  15. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Ignore, we're on a turtle mission here.
  16. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    Don't you mean wonderfully convenient? Catch it.
  17. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pal Park

    I'd like to take Piplup and six Park Balls into the Pond, please. Because Luidcolo are awesome. And there are turtles in the pond, so you know it must be cool.
  18. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Crossroads

    Let's test out my Piplup... ...by walking into the Rainforest. >_< POKEMON GET~
  19. Captain Sea Turtle

    Your PC

    Captain Sea Turtle's PC Pokemon Piplup Death by Penguins (M) Obtained: Starter Lotad El Presidente (M) Obtained: Pal Park Azurill Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper (F) Obtained: Pal Park Wailord Bruce Banner (M) Obtained: Pal Park Flareon Wannabe Arcanine (M) Obtained: Pal Park Sentret Explodo (M)...
  20. Captain Sea Turtle

    Never Ending Cheat

    Jigglypuff statue. Transport it into your game (somehow) and...
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