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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    Scenes from a Hat

    Don't worry, Mr. President, I don't think you're from outer space. And with that, new topic: Reasons you appear to be talking to yourself
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    I would like to open an account here, with Piplup as my starter. Thanks in advance.
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Challenge Board

    2 vs 2 Single Set DQ: 1 week Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs, Dig, moves that require large bodies of water (eg, Surf), 3 Chills/pokemon, 3 healing moves/game Arena: Insanity Square This battle takes place on a square of magically floating tiles, approximately Wailord by Wailord in size...
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    Profile Archive

    Captain Sea Turtle's Epic Profile of Epicness Money: $0 Active Squad: Torkoal Captain Land Turtle (M) White Smoke Exp: 0 Solrock Sun Tzu (X) Levitate Exp: 0 Wooper Lovable Giant (M) Water Absorb Exp: 0 Approval for the Captain, Sun Tzu, and the Giant PC: None yet. Item Storage: None yet...
  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    Bank of TCoD

    $45 - $45 - $0 First team purchase here.
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Buying a first pokemon team, hooray! I feel extremely excited! Torkoal [Captain Land Turtle] Torkoal (M) <White Smoke> Solrock [Sun Tzu] Solrock (X) <Levitate> Wooper [Lovable Giant] Wooper (M) <Water Absorb> I believe that be eatinz all mah munniez...
  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    Hello there, people!

    Sweet, there are other Psych fans here. I approve of you people. ^_^ Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome, guys! Please support my campaign to save Bibarel from slavery because I saw it on another website and agreed!
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    Why thank you, I'll add that to my sig. I approve of your usertitle (but yeah I just lost the game).

    Why thank you, I'll add that to my sig. I approve of your usertitle (but yeah I just lost the game).
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    Hello there, people!

    RespectTheBlade...I seem to recall you challenging me on ShoddyBattle the other day, and then leaving before the first punch was thrown. What's up with that? And yes, the title refers to the turtle you're thinking of.
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [105] Blaine [60] Giovanni [170] Lance [170] Blue Hurt Blaine, heal Lance
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    Bank of TCoD

    May I please be bank-accounted?
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    Hello there, people!

    Well, I was commanded by the header to post here. So...post. Here. Hi, and stuff. :grin: (yeah, I'm definitely not cynical at all)
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