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Search results

  1. Momoharu

    Requests Open Tractus Repono

    Christ that's scary. M'on it.
  2. Momoharu

    Requests Open Tractus Repono

    Yes, my shop name is in Latin. I don't know if it's correct, I used a translator :P Anyway, art requests are usually a good way to get better, so fire away people. Please, a low to moderate description of what you want your picture to look like. All pictures will be done with sketchbook...
  3. Momoharu

    If you were a Pokemon, which would it be?

    Alakazam, because I'd be a fucking genius with a 'stache. And I'm sure if it's THAT smart it can talk.
  4. Momoharu

    Internet Security?

    Well I'm running windows right now, and a really good service I've been using is Avira Anti-Virus. It has a really kickass firewall, and it gives you a warning when a virus is trying to enter your computer.
  5. Momoharu

    Mafia- Rise of the OCs [Day One]

    If they really are picking on the newbies, I'm next.
  6. Momoharu

    Mafia- Rise of the OCs [CLOSED]

    Re: Mafia- Rise of the OCs IF we're allowed to enter I'll enter o3o
  7. Momoharu

    Dragon's Den

    Moooove on :/
  8. Momoharu

    Your Favourite/Least Favourite Generation, Pokemon-wise?

    Honestly, 1st Gen was my favorite, and 4th Gen was my least favorite. Now let me explain myself before the bullets start flying! 1st Gen had the most original designs, IMO. When I look at the starters and stuff in Gens 3 and 4, they just don't have the spark gen 1 and 2 had, really. I like...
  9. Momoharu

    Dragon's Den

    Move on kthx.
  10. Momoharu

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Bought the game roughly an hour ago, playing like a man possessed. Just kicked Falkner's ass, now I'm grinding a bit. Quilava (M) Lvl 16 Mareep (F) Lvl 12 Egg.
  11. Momoharu

    Open Wellspring Village

    "Hot chocolate, huh?" Sonia said, amused, before scooping Ming up in her arms and going into a slight trot toward the coffee shop. She wasn't a big coffee drinker, but she had walked past it once or twice, and her memory was good. Making sure the child in her arms was secure, she rounded a few...
  12. Momoharu

    Open Wellspring Village

    "Cookie, yes," Sonia says with a smile, swallowing the one in her mouth and pulling a chocolate chip one out of her bag and offering it to Ming. "If you'd like, I could help you look for your Daddy. Most joggers hang around the coffee shop for a rest anyway."
  13. Momoharu

    Where to get HG/SS?

    Honestly, Wal-Mart would probably be your best bet at 34.99. Gamestop and all them sell for 39.99.
  14. Momoharu

    Open Wellspring Village

    Sonia aimlessly walked around the small town, a small cookie in her mouth and a few more in the small backpack she was wearing. It was far too early for her to be wearing her actual clothes, so she was clad simply in a sweater and sweatpants, with a small bag to hold more cookies. It was...
  15. Momoharu

    [OOC+Signup] Wellspring Village (OPEN)

    http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/7773/mapd.png That's mine. And I'll get that picture up sometime soon dammit!
  16. Momoharu

    [OOC+Signup] Wellspring Village (OPEN)

    Name: Sonia Age: Mid 20's Gender: Female Species: Suicune Appearance: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3439/img0076sd.jpg Note she changes clothes, but always has that scarf majigger on her. Her hair is blue and her eyes are purple, and she's on the pale side. Personalty: PO~ Other...
  17. Momoharu

    Troubled Tribes [OOC/Signups]

    Sounds pretty nice, reserving.
  18. Momoharu

    Rainbow Rock

    I'll search all 4 areas for 12 bucks.
  19. Momoharu

    Hurt and Heal (Water-Types)

    Blastoise: 15 HP Golduck: 16 HP Poliwrath: 15 HP Slowbro: 15 HP Tentacruel: 15 HP Dewgong: 15 HP Cloyster: 15 HP Kingler: 15 HP Seaking: 15 HP Starmie: 15 HP Gyarados: 15 HP Lapras: 15 HP Vaporeon: 15 HP Omastar: 15 HP Kabutops: 15 HP Feraligatr: 15 HP Lanturn: 15 HP Azumarill: 15 HP Politoed...
  20. Momoharu

    What Games Are You Playing?

    NBA 2K7, which I bought at Entertainmart~ Also a bit of Burnout Revenge and Freestyle Street Basketball.
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