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Search results

  1. Momoharu

    Requests Open CLICK ME

    Dude, that is serious fucking business. I'm avataring that. Liek nao.
  2. Momoharu

    Requests Open CLICK ME

    Of course I'll sign up FMC! Lessee, personality traits... Lazy, rather creative, and I've been called jovial before. And steel/dragon types are my favorite~
  3. Momoharu

    Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games?

    Re: Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games? Tell all those Pokemon Dads and Pokemon moms to stop acting like pedophiles. And on an unrelated note, I think it would be badass if Sabrina helped you storm Silph Co. Hell it would be badass if Lt. Surge, Koga and...
  4. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan noticed Al offering to help out Thalia, and despite the circumstances, he managed to wave around for Al's attention to give him a firm thumbs up, and mouthing 'Your on the right track, just don't screw up!'. He looked back at the Tonberry, giving a good natured smile. "Sorry for trying to...
  5. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan noticed Al offering to help out Thalia, and despite the circumstances, he managed to wave around for Al's attention to give him a firm thumbs up, and mouthing 'Your on the right track, just don't screw up!'. He looked back at the Tonberry, giving a good natured smile. "Sorry for trying to...
  6. Momoharu


    Yeah, I listen to Wayne, Kanye, Em, all those guys. Gucci's a decent beat maker but he's kind of like DJ Khaled, he messes them up by talking/rapping =/ Sometimes I listen to Nas, Tech N9ne, and Young Jeezy. Oh, and some youtube rappers are pretty sick. My personal favorites are Traphik...
  7. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan gave a low hiss, have tempted to take out his arrow and send an arrow straight through the Tonberry's head. "Mrs. Ryuu, is it really advisable to get so close?" --- Gradivus looked over at the heap where the cart used to stand, prodding the remains with his foot. "...Wouldn't it be...
  8. Momoharu

    Bump in the right direction?

    So we had to sign up for this SAT website at school, and we gave some contact information, so I checked my e-mail today and apparently I have the qualities some colleges are looking for. Anyone know anything helpful about Champlain College, Westmont College, Houston Baptist College, or...
  9. Momoharu

    Same-sex reproduction and cloning

    I really don't like the idea that people would want to make people. There's a certain border I don't think humans shouldn't be able to cross, and creation on this kind of scale is a bit beyond that border, imo.
  10. Momoharu

    Requests Closed Blazhy's Sketchy Shoppy

    http://dhausovic7.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/blue-eyeswhitedragondb1-en-ur-ue.jpg No worries, take your time. And the burst stream is just a white beam that comes out of it's mouth.
  11. Momoharu

    Requests Closed Blazhy's Sketchy Shoppy

    Oh hell yeah, I didn't notice requests for open again. Lessee... hows about Cynthia from D/P/P with her Garchomp?
  12. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan cautiously lowered his bow, placing it on his back again and replacing his arrow in his quiver as he carefully took a step back. "Um, Miss Ryuu? May I ask why this cat-like monster is slowly walking toward me and hissing in a generally unfriendly way?" --- Gradivus strode over to the...
  13. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus groaned as he rose, thankfully growing just so his armor would awkwardly fit on, and he started to adjust it. "Goddamn..." he muttered, now shaking his head and staggering a bit from the refresh. "Thanks, I guess." Looking around with beady eyes, he noticed the Tonberry standing...
  14. Momoharu

    Freakish Sea Slug

    If slugs can do that with plants, maybe humans can fly if we eat enough birds?
  15. Momoharu

    Where do you eat? How often?

    Ehh, my parents make rice a LOT, so we eat that at least three times a week. Other days we hit up McDonalds or Burger King, and sometimes I just heat up a frozen pizza or some chicken nuggets. And when I'm too lazy to heat shit up, I make me a sammich. And I use some weird stuff. Next time...
  16. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan slides next to the Rocksealed pair, before noticing an enemy Sniper with a start and quickly snatching up his bow, and hitting the Sniper in the neck just before he shot another arrow at one of his clanmates. "These fellows seem quite determined Miss Ryuu! Have we offended them in some...
  17. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus gave a low growl at Sonja's babble, shaking his head and tempted to shout at her for not knowing what she was signing up for with a clan. Shrugging it off, he noticed a few Seeq's clutching axes and gave a low chuckle, now spinning his blade. "Looks like we're having pig tonight," he...
  18. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan leapt out of the cart, slowly drawing his katana and clapping Abelat on the back. "That is the way to speak, my good fellow! Even if their force were 1000-strong, I would fell them all at Miss Ryuu's command!" Waving his katana slightly, he quickly springs forward and casts a Rockseal on...
  19. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus gave a growl, already on the roof so he could turn around and scan the area, before giving out a call. "Your outnumbered, ssso I'd walk out quietly if I were you... or ssstay hidden until we find you, that sssounds like more fun." Unsheathing his sword, he started sniffing the air...
  20. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    "Of course, that's only when I use my arrows anyway. It's easier to disable a person when you get closer, and of course I would assassinate any target I was ordered to kill... my beliefs still standing, or course." Satisfied with the assassin logic he gave, Avan leaned back to relax as the...
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