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  1. Momoharu


  2. Momoharu

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    I think I'll bite on this secret OSer thing too, if someone will explain to me what it is in srs detail.
  3. Momoharu

    [OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

    Lol, can't see Moon's new post, even after trying Go Advanced. Rage.
  4. Momoharu

    This Nintendo fanboy got an Xbox 360... (game recommendations please)

    What, nobody's gonna throw out Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, Fable 2, or the NBA/Madden Games (If you like those respective sports)?
  5. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan notices Al staring into the pub, before walking over to him and putting his arm around Al's shoulder. "Do not despair, my good friend, there once was a time when I too, was afraid to approach a pretty lady and give them a compliment or two." Laughing heartily at his own recollections, he...
  6. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan gives an airy wave of his hand, backing it up with a confident smile. "Of course Miss Ryuu, I shall prove my worth at the nearest opportunity, you may be confident of that! And you may toy with my heart as long as you please, it is yours to use!" Giving Ming another one his his bows...
  7. Momoharu

    [OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

    Oh, he'll be beside himself with joy when he finds out ming has a sister.
  8. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivusss quickly swallows the pastry he had stored a few minutes earlier whole, giving a grin before ordering and wrapping up a breakfast sandwhich similar to Lodrick's. Striding over to Greed, he looked over him once and gave a nod. "Ming recommended me to you, sssaid you would be a good...
  9. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    "Are you sure, my good fellow?" Avan asked timidly, frowning as he turned around. Taking a minute to admire Ming's figure, he tilted his head slightly. "I do remember someone saying that the leader of Clan Virtue was almost like a slave driver and nagged quite a bit... that doesn't seem to...
  10. Momoharu

    [OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

    Nah, he's an idiot. I might just have try to hit on Kate or Thalia for laughs.
  11. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    "I'll believe it when I sssee it," Gradivus says with a tsk, crossing his arms. "The bravessst men and women are the onessss in the front linesss, in my head, where you're alwaysss under danger from the onesss in front and the onesss you can't sssee. And I'd really love to sssee how back line...
  12. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Avan gave an impressive sigh, giving Ming another smile. "Well, I applied because I heard it was a clan that pursued justice, and of course it would perfectly suit a man of my caliber! Alas, I was supposed to meet up with my new comrades yesterday, but I'm afraid I was delayed by a few...
  13. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    "Well, there'sss me, him, the Nu Mou girl, the moogle, and isssn't the white chocobo rider new?" Gradivus said, counting off on his fingers with a frown. "Which remindsss me, are all the membersss that elaborate with their ssspeech?" --- Avan strutted into the pub, his cape billowing behind...
  14. Momoharu

    [OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

    Added a crappy 5 minute appearance, and he's already made his amazing entrance.
  15. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus drained a cup of alcohol, and looked around to see Lodrick talking to a bunch of people. Shrugging, he passed his cup back to the barkeep and launched himself toward the conversation, skidding to a halt right next to Lodrick. "Sssorry to be a busssybody, but I'm curiousss."
  16. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus decides to go inside, ordering a cup of beer and sitting at the table and closing his eyes. He enjoyed hearing the mix of noises in the bar sometimes, and he liked closing his eyes once in a while too.
  17. Momoharu

    [OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

    Name: Avan Argismo Gender: Male Race: Viera Job: Assassin (Mastered) Sniper (Mastered) Green Mage (Only knows one spell and a reaction) Appearance: http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/5-Minute-Male-Viera-150012802 Home-area: Moorabella Personality: Played out, that'll be a lot easier.
  18. Momoharu

    D/P/Pt Best 'Catching' Pokémon

    Re: Best 'Catching' Pokémon Crobat is monstrous for catching this, I always use him.
  19. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus gave one last yawn, making sure his sword was still in place, and flipped over the windowsill and onto the ground below. He gave a loud yawn and cracked his knuckles. "Where are we going?" he asked with another yawn, before looking at Abelat's chocobo with an impressed nod. "Nice ride."
  20. Momoharu

    Open Grimoire of Dragons

    Gradivus paused for a second, turning around to look at Lodrick. "Mossst Bangaa wouldn't think to ussse cannonsss from a dissstance either. And if I have to sssuck up to the bossss like you every sssecond, I'd rather not get far in thisss line of busssiness. Besssides, asss long asss I have...
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