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Search results

  1. Mir

    Eheheh... Greetings from the planet Zorg.

    Welcome to TCoD.
  2. Mir


    Hello! Welcome to TCoD!
  3. Mir

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome to TCod! I'll definitely visit your sprite shop, it seems really cool. Uh... I guess that's all I have to say. Have fun!
  4. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Okay. I hope it gets better soon!
  5. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Can I help it somehow?
  6. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Thanks Philly,you were right RPing is fun and easy. I started RPing on another site because you got me curious it's really fun! EeveeSkitty: Yay, your egg hatched. That's a cute dragon.
  7. Mir

    hello everybody!

    That's cool.
  8. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Well I just started RPing on another site, so I might on here, too.
  9. Mir


    Hey! Welcome to CoD. I'm new here as well. My friend Kindling Queen showed me this site.
  10. Mir

    hello everybody!

    That's funny. You don't sound like a laundry detergent commercial. My friend introduced me to this site. She's going to help me get started with the anime-style battling.
  11. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Thanks. You just boosted my confidence.
  12. Mir

    hello everybody!

    I guess...? My friend showed me this site. She wanted me to have some experience with RPing so I could help her mod when she makes her own site. To sum it up, I have never done it before. I've watched my friend as she RPed and it looked fun. I'd like to try but I'll probably suck at it...
  13. Mir

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I have been raised on the belief that there is a God, and I do believe. But sometimes, I ask myself if there was a God, then why would He do these things to me and my family? But then something wonderful happens and my faith is restored again.
  14. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Thanks. I love cats. Do you ever wish you could be one?
  15. Mir


    Hey, welcome! I disagree with all of you. Cyndaquil is the awesomest starter. =p I love Warriors, too, pretty much any book including Harry Potter and Twilight, almost any manga or manga. Why do you hate Firestar, Shadowstar?
  16. Mir

    the flames begin to burn...

    Welcome! I guess I would be the Leafeon/Glaceon part of the group, or one of them any way. ^^
  17. Mir

    Hiya! =)

    Hey! Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies! I'm new here, too. What's your favorite starter out of all of them so far? Mine is Cyndaquil. It's so CUTE! =3
  18. Mir

    hello everybody!

    Hi people! I was invited here by my friend Kindling Queen! I hope to make friends and have fun! WOOT! =3
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