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Search results

  1. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  2. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  3. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  4. sergeantwaffleS

    Hi guyz

    True dat dawg
  5. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  6. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  7. sergeantwaffleS

    Hi guyz

    Then why did you use that as your username?
  8. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Hey guys!!!! .......*silence*........... DAMNIT!!!!
  9. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  10. sergeantwaffleS

    Hi guyz

    Hi, I see that your a fan of that show.
  11. sergeantwaffleS

    Evolution Question

    Ok, now that your here, I need to ask you something. Will not letting my pokemon immediately evolve weaken it or that it doesn't really matter as long as I max out the EVs?
  12. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Oh. *tries to start conversation* So how's the weather?
  13. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    True. But now you're gone!!!
  14. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Hey guys!!!!!.......Damnit! They never seem to be here when I show up....
  15. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    So anyone want some stuffed squirrels? *sprays some gatorade in mouth* Also, check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl9ZZsUX00s
  16. sergeantwaffleS

    You don't know me but I simply must applaud your awesomeness in being wayyyy too much into...

    You don't know me but I simply must applaud your awesomeness in being wayyyy too much into character.
  17. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Go for it. It'll be fun but I'll probably lose too.
  18. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Meh, I might as well join the fun too. I call dibs on Dr. Jan Itor
  19. sergeantwaffleS

    What's a bot?

    What's a bot?
  20. sergeantwaffleS

    His behavior is like, REALLY weird. He has 0 posts and threads and his page has a crapload of...

    His behavior is like, REALLY weird. He has 0 posts and threads and his page has a crapload of hits on it and he just joined on oct. 1 !!!!
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