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Search results

  1. sergeantwaffleS

    Hello peoples!

    HI and welcome
  2. sergeantwaffleS

    The KQ Has Returned!

    I sure wish my father's a cable guy o_o
  3. sergeantwaffleS

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

  4. sergeantwaffleS

    Hi I am Dark Mew

    You like pie?!?! I like pie too , but I'm more of a waffles person myself. XD Also welcome...
  5. sergeantwaffleS

    I AM NEW HERE!!! i did this because of IT

    Hey, how do you do that scroll up,scroll down thing on your post Erindor...
  6. sergeantwaffleS

    The Secret Link

    I've onl Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! [url=http://www.pokeplushies.com]Get your own at Pokeplushies![/urly found three clues, two on accident and one by using my brain power !! 0_o
  7. sergeantwaffleS

    Stupid things you've done

    well one time i put on some eyeliner to intimidate people but it turns out your not suppose to use it to draw a scary face on your tongue 0_o
  8. sergeantwaffleS

    I AM NEW HERE!!! i did this because of IT

    didn't i just ask you to speak english?!?!?! do you say this to everyone?!?!?!? also thanks for posting :D
  9. sergeantwaffleS

    :grin: Hiya Im Mewkachu!!

    what the heck are you saying?!?!?!? speak english man!!!!
  10. sergeantwaffleS

    :grin: Hiya Im Mewkachu!!

    in a pineapple under the sea?!?!? how do you go to the bathroom? anyways welcome mewkachu !!!
  11. sergeantwaffleS

    I AM NEW HERE!!! i did this because of IT

    i dont know jolty. know one knows.......
  12. sergeantwaffleS

    randomness is not funny

    randomness IS funny XD
  13. sergeantwaffleS

    I AM NEW HERE!!! i did this because of IT

    read title :angry:
  14. sergeantwaffleS

    randomness is not funny

    I AM NEW HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! i did this IT told me to
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