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Search results

  1. Scohui

    How did you got here?

    How did you got here?
  2. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV My brother, cousin and I formed a treasure hunt group. We shall have great adventures in the summer
  3. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV Spent the day with my crush. Omigosh omigosh omigosh omiGOSH!
  4. Scohui

    It was totally my fault. Hopefully we will be online at the same time in the summer.

    It was totally my fault. Hopefully we will be online at the same time in the summer.
  5. Scohui


  6. Scohui

    Yeah, it's really annoyi... Wait... Last Activity: Today 10:33 PM DAAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNN IIIIIITTTT.

    Yeah, it's really annoyi... Wait... Last Activity: Today 10:33 PM DAAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNN IIIIIITTTT.
  7. Scohui

    And I ended up not doing the work -__-

    And I ended up not doing the work -__-
  8. Scohui


  9. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV I got minecraft today :3
  10. Scohui

    And I have work to do and can't stop procrastinating or whatever nnnngggghhhh It's all your fault!

    And I have work to do and can't stop procrastinating or whatever nnnngggghhhh It's all your fault!
  11. Scohui

    I heard you like Yu-Gi-Oh... Just to let you know

    I heard you like Yu-Gi-Oh... Just to let you know
  12. Scohui

    O-One week!? I feel awful. I have to take more 4 weeks -_-

    O-One week!? I feel awful. I have to take more 4 weeks -_-
  13. Scohui

    It has happened to me once. But isn't school going to end soon?

    It has happened to me once. But isn't school going to end soon?
  14. Scohui

    ...Then my wait will be in vain (I'll probably fall asleep) Soooo yeah, bye.

    ...Then my wait will be in vain (I'll probably fall asleep) Soooo yeah, bye.
  15. Scohui

    Three hour dance from what?

    Three hour dance from what?
  16. Scohui

    *tries to recall in which days she says she danced* *fails* I'll trust your words

    *tries to recall in which days she says she danced* *fails* I'll trust your words
  17. Scohui

    Well, I'm going to stay here until around the time she was last logged in. Maybe she'll show up...

    Well, I'm going to stay here until around the time she was last logged in. Maybe she'll show up again?
  18. Scohui


  19. Scohui

    STALK- Nah, it's cool. I've done the same myself.

    STALK- Nah, it's cool. I've done the same myself.
  20. Scohui

    She is busy with school and internet is being iffy.

    She is busy with school and internet is being iffy.
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